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'Tea time'

These young generations (?) always with their phones in hand, they won't stop a minute to socialize with their friends? They always have something more important to do... maybe too important (?)

I'm really sorry if the dialogue bubbles seem a little messy..
I may fix that during the week;; but if it can be read properly it's a good sign haha;;

Hope you like it! ♥




I hope for Aria's sake the knowledge she stumbled upon works out. It is the internet after all... Of course that said if it doesn't that might be more fun for us. :3 I'll take you word on the bubbles. Can't say I struggled reading them in order. ^^


I don't read webcomics often and I had no problem reading the order.


The speech bubbles are readable, but I do think they maybe could be rearranged to be a little more aesthetically pleasing. As a side note I like that Aria has been actively trying to find a way to bring Kaz back, instead of being passive about it.


I think on that last box, the word 'referring' would make more sense than 'recurring' 'Recurring' sorta carries a different meaning. o.O