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First of all, lots of people are aware of what happened with Patreon and many are getting their cards declined or even flagged as fraud!
Patreon has addressed this issue in case you're affected and in the twitter link here you'll have some answers. It seems they're starting to e-mail people who had problems as well to fix their situation!

Now, in other news!
Speaking of twitter, some of you may have seen me tweet last night (my account is Parorou just in case) that...
We're happy to say that me and Alpaca (my girlfriend btw ?) will be attending Anime NYC 2018 later this year during November!
We applied and they accepted us! AaAaAaAaaaaa So we'll be there at the artist alley ??
Right now we're sort of panicking and running in circles. Haha.
A trip from Chile to the US is a long one, and, even if there's still 3 months left, time flies before you know it! AaaAaahh!
Who knows, maybe we'll be able to meet some of you there!?

What will destiny have awaiting for us?

Haha. Anyway, hope you're all doing fine! And thanks again for supporting me here ? Hope your August will be awesome and those of you in the northern hemisphere aren't suffering too much from the heat these days; ?


Patreon on Twitter

Hi everyone, as you know we're noticing an unexpectedly high number of payment declines. We're sorry for the frustration this has caused and we're doing all we can to help creators get paid by working with our payment partners and continuing to retry payments. More info below.



The heat is not my friend ;w; Also super cool you're able to be part of the con! Would be awesome to come stare creepily at you (holding a single balloon and wearing a scarf). Shame I'm in the UK. xwx You should come to one in London at some point.

Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

My dude, I love that you're coming up here to the US, but that's the wrong side of the country! Though if you ever make it to a convention in <i>Seattle</i>, like ECCC or PAX Prime or something...<i>then</i> I can see you. But anywho. Hope you enjoy the trip up here regardless. Get lots of booth visitors~


I’m having issues with my payment.