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Hey guys ?? Hope you're doing just fine! First of all thanks as always for your support here, it motivates me a lot!

Anyway, I wanted to ask for your opinion on 2 things!

First, regarding the Amissio comic I've been working on (if you don't know, check the 'new amissio' tag). My long-time original comic project that features most of my characters including Aria of course.
I'm closer to finishing chapter 2 right now. I'm working on page 21 (but here on Patreon I've posted only up to page 8), and I plan to post it on Tapas and other sites in the future, but! I'm not sure if I should just post the complete chapter (29-30 pages) later here when it's done, or, if I should post one page at a time, following the same formula as Negative Frames (where Patreon sees each page a week ahead of the rest) which could have people interested for a longer time too.
What do you guys think?

Secondly, I've been suggested a couple of time to use Discord?
I've seen some other patreon-creators using discord to chat in a closer way with everyone here, but at the same time I'm not really familiar with that site/app haha! So I may not end up using it much (or maybe a couple of times a week), but it could be a fun way to get more feedback or you guys could suggest me things to post or what you would like to see, I dunno. What do you think?



Yes! A poll!!! But please definitely a Discord!


If you need help with Discord, I can lend you a hand. I use it a lot...


I'd say run a poll, at least on the Amissio Comic. As far as Discord goes even if you don't use it often it's still a nice way to connect with other Patreons. Most Creators I support also don't use it that often. But it is a lot of fun when they do stop by for a bit. ^^


About Amissio. I think it depends on how well the narrative fits with a weekly format. NF is done with that format in mind, but I don't know if Amissio would feel too chpped up and slow with it, since (I think) it is more of a traditional comic. It could increase its longevity though.


I'm with everyone else here, a poll would work best for agreeing on how you want to do the pages. Also as for Discord I'm all for it if it's doable, I use it frequently so I'm very familiar with it


I use Discord a lot. It would definitely help me with getting in touch with you, and I imagine I'm not the only one (I've been meaning to message you for a while now but I never remember to do it x.x) I'd be more than willing to help out if you wanted a little server for everyone~ ^^ And a poll seems like a good idea for Amissio, It does seem like one page at a time might make it harder to follow than something set up like NF, but seeing updates every now and then would be fun~ ^^


Wow okay so basically a lot of you guys here use Discord eh? XD interesting, sounds like that'll be the way to go then, I'll try to set up a chatroom or little server thing soon and let you know~ Also thanks for your feedback! I'm tempted to go with the idea of actually posting 2 pages a week, since I'd still have a lot of time before it catches up, and that way it may be easier to follow, due to the format, like some of you said here.

Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

On the first one, I honestly like surprises, so I'm one for reading comics like that all at once rather than in single-page format, which works for Negative Frames because most of it was episodic but I imagine Amissio's pages are linked together more. That said, I could just as easily not read each page until you've posted them all, while others could enjoy the pages released one at a time. But as suggested in the comments, a poll would be better for that. On the second point, I do use Discord now since I follow a couple FEH YouTubers, and I wouldn't mind dropping into your server as well should you make one.


Discord would be dopeeeee.