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Very fun and awesome commission~!
I'm the most grateful when I get commissioned to draw fun ideas with my characters and Aria gets some love ♥
Of course she gets to wear pretty dresses but she's somewhat not very used to actually cosplaying haha!
Thanks a lot for that!
One more pending off the list~!
I really hope you like it : D
PSD and step by step soon~!




She is adorable in this ^^


Bias aside, can't help but love the dress. I'm super glad other people want more Aria as well. (Had to look up who Rosalina was, please forgive me~ ^^) That aside, I wonder if you consider my ideas "fun" :3 Always look forward to seeing more Aria, as well as more of what I consider to be amazing artwork.


Even though there's really nothing wrong with the dress she still acts so shy, great work!


Haha but of course, your ideas are among the most fun ´ w´ )/ bwahahaha, there'll be more Aria soon~!


Aria is just an adorable gal


While looks good I thought at first just by the name would of been dressed as your OC Rose


I just love this girl <3