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You guys asked for thissss ♪
The doctor-waifu from Persona5 won the last fanservice poll so, here it is!
I was hyped to do some more Persona5 related art so I hope you like it!
PSD and step-by-step coming soon!
This one will probe tricky, I suppose, since I was experimenting a lot with the lights and shading here in this one.

This will probably be my last finished/colored drawing of the year, so, I hope you guys have an awesome new years celebration!
Thanks for an awesome 2017 ! ♪




Oooh spooky waifu


This looks amazing! I love it!


She looks so good =D think I'll have to try and recommend even more persona 5 characters in the future aha


Fear of needles, engaged....

The Lord Plays

I mean.... I also get a price reduction on a thing that gives me 12 SP per turn.... i see no downside


Looks fantastic


I've always enjoyed your artwork. Seems like you have a clear idea of where your source of light is and kept your shadows consistent throughout. Course that could just be me running my mouth without a single idea of what I am talking about.


Wow! Absolutely gorgeous work.