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Again, please, my russian friends, I ask you to wait until I make the comic strips public before you go ahead and translate them to russian! I know where you post them. I'm flattered but I only ask a little respect.

And here it is now, full of emo Kaz, haha!
I wasn't sure if it was too early to introduce a new character, Cerise, her little sister, but maybe something subtle like this could work, so now I can include her too later in future strips : P

I hope you like it!



Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

Hiii, Cerise~ Also, Kaz looks pretty good in that, honestly. And the tied hair. She can pull off a lot.


Aww yeah dat emo Kaz ♡


Kaz wears the outfit well. However from where I sit, she doesn't hold a candle to Aria. Naturally I am biased towards Aria, the artwork looks great.


subtle introduction without, "Infodumping" works: you established her name, her relation, that she (jet) has little boundaries to privacy around the house and is generally interested what her big sister is up to. (and that she can climp up doors ;P )


Hahah But Aria is such a cutie and so innocent