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Back in the day, haha, this character, Pairo, was my online persona/character/self, the way I always drew myself haha.

He went through a lot of changes,
From this (2005)
To this one here (2008).
To this one that's more settled:

He always was "Pairo" (since that's what I called myself before Paroro), but I started using him as an OC later when I started thinking of a story (Amissio), and then he got a more defined personality, being a somewhat creepy but naive character. He's not evil or anything, just misunderstood.

He has an important role in Amissio : >

Oh also, those.. zombie-like guys with no faces. Yeah they're pretty old too.
They're another sort of minion or monster in Amissio ´w´)



Kage Ryu 「カゲリュ」

Aria with a jacket? Cool. Kaz as a gothic anthro? Interesting change. Amora all happy and wielding a gun? Well, characters evolve. Cerise with grown proportions? Odd but okay. Pairo with eyes? PAIRO WITH EYES? <b>What is this madness.</b>