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First Name: Erica

Last Name: Thorne

Date of birth: January 25th, 1996

Occupation: neurology assistant

Height: 5’8

Shoesize: 10

Age: 23

Occupation: Neurology assistant

Hair color: Red

Personality: A natural Naïve/trusting nature but a fiery personality as she feels she has something to prove to the world. A prodigy in the medical field gives her an academic outlook on life.

Biography: At just 23 years old, Erica Thorne is something of an academic prodigy. Having graduated high school at the young age of 16, and getting her college degree at 20, she's quite the intellectual force in her chosen field of neurology. Recently, while searching for a job where she can put her talents to use, she came across a job offering from Plumeville Inc. where she would work under Dr. Castro for the summer before returning to medical school. Seeing the pay, and figuring it was simple work, she decided to take it. Why not, really? 

Upon starting the job, she enters the lab only to find it quite different than what she's used to. Strange devices that suggest they’re meant for restraint. What's more, as the day goes on, people seem to come and go in the lab. All patients seem to be female as well. These girls are locked into these devices and tickled. Of course, this is when she comes into play, as she needs to study these people and their reactions, endurance, things of this nature. Occasionally patients claim to have been tricked into volunteering, but Dr Castro assures her it’s a side effect of the research and they’re delusional. 

However, it's still odd to her that studying and preparing tickle torture is the only thing anyone in the lab seems to work on. Despite this, her naïve/trusting nature doesn't really let her question what's going on, it's just her job, and there's got to be some important reason it's being worked on so intensely. She certainly doesn't understand the seemingly exclusive focus on tickling but doesn't really question it. After all, she's making bank, right?

Credit goes to Flynn Taggart for helping me with the bio!



I gotta say, every change made here is really for the better. Always happy to help!