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We are almost there, folks! Only a matter of days until my New Vegas review is unleashed upon the world. 

Let's get you nice and warmed up with all of the props & outfits used to make the magic happen:


Old timey TV

big old timey fan (maybe that fits the era I’m in here)

Cardboard box for me (so big enough to full cover me if thrown over me)

Luna Tail

Nuka quantum bottle

Any extra wild west props for around me??

10 copies of fallout new vegas XD

Glowing goo

Song needs: Gun holters, 2 revolvers. Then GIANT props for big iron. So: Giant revolver/gun, giant Iron, Giant piece of iron metal, giant golf club. All that we can attach to my side somehow too, but just stringing on is fine.

Geiger counter

Gun like benny’s gun (called maria)

Lazer rifle/pistol

Fallout Beer

Switch tape to arm

Fallout 3 game box

Cardboard box for Luna

Luna Tail

Cardboard box for me (so big enough to full cover me if thrown over me)

Luna radio (to stick out the top of the box, I want to be large enough so that I can grab it and fight as if she is pulling the bit on the inside)

Luna toy (a toy that looks like Luna)

Gun I can cock?


Lamb shank

Shawshank redemption book


Benny outfit

Dress like mr house, fake stache and outfit

Vault suit

Outfit like I am in a job interview

Dressed as roman

a hat and glasses like vulpes from New vegas

Outfit for “Big iron” song

Wild west outfit


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