5th January '23 - blog (Patreon)
Happy New Year gorgeous Patrons!
The whole process of my last video was such a big learning experience for me & I think it's helped to put into perspective where I want to take the channel next.
My last video was essentially trying to copy formats from other great channels but perhaps didn't maintain that UpIsNotJump je n'est c'est quoi.
My next video is gonna be a little different! I'll be playing through The Witcher III seeing how far I can get without the use of the 'B' button. I know. GENIUS!
More info on how this will play out soon.
I'm not forgetting the 'Nightmare' series entirely & I have definite plans to make the New Vegas Nightmare video this year. I'm just aiming to add some more dimensions to the channel with other style of videos as well as releasing content more regularly (like once a month) as opposed to once every 6-7 weeks.