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 Love you guys, really hope you enjoy :)

Sorry I was quiet on here the last few weeks, I had two weeks to edit this together so it was a manic one!  Now it's done I'll be posting more patreon streams and both behind the scenes videos for this video and the last one very soon :) 


Christmas VR Games Are An Absolute Nightmare – This Is Why

IT'S CHRISTMAS! Which means it’s time to play and review Christmas games. VR Christmas games to be precise, because after all, every Christmas VR game is an absolute nightmare. Get my glorious poster in time for Christmas: https://www.pixelempire.com/products/upisnotjump I go back to my roots and try a load of Virtual Reality games about Christmas, all from Steam. No not Boneworks… Maybe next time. It occurred to me that every Christmas video game I had ever played was pretty bad, so I thought, would VR Christmas games be any worse? So it was decreed. I would play and review every virtual reality Christmas game on steam. And oh boy, there were more games than I thought. Virtual Reality is really taking off again, and since it’s Christmas I wanted to do some special VR reviews with my Index. I hope in the new year to review the newer, more specific games that are coming out, but honestly, I really enjoy just reviewing as many VR games as possible in one go. As I say at the end, although I am am focusing on the downsides of these virtual reality games, making any game, especially a VR one, is an absolute nightmare, and I have the utmost respect for every single developer involved in each of these games. Subscribe to my patreon to support the vids: https://www.patreon.com/UpIsNotJump Watch me stream Fallout and other gamez: https://www.twitch.tv/upisnotjump My dumb thoughts: https://twitter.com/UpIsNotJump Pixel art near the start: https://www.deviantart.com/ta2nb/art/The-last-supper-206754932



GG fam. Love you see you doing well


If a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well. Love the video btw! Brilliant!

Alex Johnson

Great work Matt! I know you've been saying you want to recapture the feel of your older videos, and I think this does that super well. Hope you're proud of this one, cause you should be!


The witty nerdy jokes, the references, the pacing.... Fantastic!! I can only imagine how much work and passion you put in it. Happy holidays!