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Just a quick reminder that the competition to get one of my brand new rocket pins ends tonight! Anyone who joins at (or upgrades to) the $10 tier by 10 pm BST will get a free pin sent to them - or, if you're already a patron on this tier, just send me a DM and I'll hook you up :D



Robin Lindström

I’m a 10$ patron already, i sent you a DM :) these pins look amazing, can’t wait to get one :D


I am a 25$ patron but I am unable to DM you for whatever reason wanted to know if you send me one of those amazing pins as well?


I joined up at $10/mo before the deadline, do I still need to DM you? I wasn't sure! :)


More pins for my growing collection!


Send me a DM :) I'll be in touch this week, or early next week. Just gotta work out how many to order


I can't find the messages on Patreon, I'm not good with it, so I _think_ I DM'd you a second time but I'm not sure :) Thanks!

Dagmar Makara

I can't remember if I was at the $10 tier at the time of that deadline :( I have to shuffle tiers with my Patreons sometimes for budget reasons, if I *was* at the $10 before the deadline should I DM you anyway?

Gorgeous Freeman

Are you still working out how many to order? Heard nothing for over a week and I'm starting to worry.