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It really shouldn't have taken this long to get to Grayditch...


I ruined Fallout 3 with mods - Part 6 - Grayditch

Today we bump into some fire-breathing ants. Well, I don't actually bump them, I stay the fuck back


Winter Phoenix

You cant ruin Fallout 3 you can only make it better by moding it so much that it bricks your computer.....yes this happened to me


Such a god-awful, incredibly depressing color palette. Which is good for a wasteland, but not for a fun game.

Chris Talbot

"So we have purified water. We can give it to that guy that we... killed..." "...kill some ants muthafuckaaaaaaaaah..." "Oh yeah, I pulled his teeth out... eurgh." "Oh Christ, we're here." "...didn't want to add too many mods because it was making me want to kill myself..." "D'ya think it will kill the boy instead of me? KILL THE BOY!! ARGGH!!" "I need the 'Kill Children' mod on so I can shoot him in the face with my gun." "Frag Mines baby! OH FUCK." "Now I should be able to get this one... and its baby". "Oh dear." "Oh there he goes, where are you off to? Maybe it's because I was blowing him up..." "We're gonna go full explosions I reckon..." "Chinese Assault Rifle... very nice!" Soooo.... how are things going mate? Everything cool with you? ;)

Patrick Jackson

TBF Greyditch is the opposite direction to where the main quest sends you isn't it? Given how enemies scale feels to me like you were intended to find it after meeting Three Dog on the way back to Rivet City.

Chris Talbot

I agree, Greyditch/Marigold is a bit odd. I've always run into Billy very early on (while you're typically working though Megaton and surroundings/Super Duper Mart/Springvale School in the first couple of hours) and depending on your character build it's either really easy or a nightmare. It always seemed kind of disjointed, like Bethesda weren't really sure if they wanted it to be in the main questline/character levelling progression or not. Good loot to be had there though, so... that's that. :) EDIT: On reflection, I think Bethesda maybe had the idea that this early challenging quest might draw you out further into the wasteland, they were trying to suggest to new players "hey... you don't need to do all this stuff in exact order. You can, like, explore and develop your skills and all that shiz".

Patrick Jackson

Yep. The perk you pick up is nice. I hadn't realised quite how much of it you can do without direct combat first time through either. It's a very good facet of the game how encounters can go from almost impossible to really easy depending on when you meet them. I remember getting decimated the first time I found Bethesda ruins. On my second play-through I found it at a higher level and from a different direction which meant it was an absolute breeze.