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This is a list of the props you guys helped me buy for the next video! I couldn't have done this without you.

The video will be out next week :) Sorry this one took a little longer than usual, I'm trying a new schedule that plans more into the long term, it should mean the video after this one will be out faster



Justus Wingert

All good mate, I love your style and I'm happy to wait (albeit impatiently of course :P)

Chris Talbot

Everything on that list makes me a little scared for your safety and that of those around you... but it mostly just makes me excited. :) Sorting out your workflow is something that has to happen naturally, and at your own pace. Take your time mate, we can wait. :)

Patrick Jackson

That list sure increases the intrigue!

Doctor Doggie

The wacky world of show business strikes again...


how did they allow u to buy a handgun with ur sociopathic tendencies in gorn. (welp i guess thats more content for me)


I can only imagine what the checkout experience would be like to get all of those things in one shopping trip. The look on the cashier's face alone would make the expense worth it.


Hi Matt!! just read about you from Patreon Email Notification Blog that the Company sent me.Glad to hear you story on your love for Gaming and your You Tube Channels that you have created... Just new on this Platform and would like to grow my community with Fellow Creators.I am One as Well.You may look at our Page <a href="https://www.patreon.com/enkayadesigns">https://www.patreon.com/enkayadesigns</a> and see whether its worth Partnering with..Looking Forward and Love YOUR Content.Best Wishes..Lorrain..


Jesus, I'm excited to see what all this is for