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Hello all! My god the recent patreon response from you guys has been mental!! It is so amazing thank you.

I've been taking some time off the internet after my last video to recharge my batteries. Though I can afford to quit my job now thanks to you guys I have to see it through till mid June which is SO FRUSTRATING haha, I can't wait to give this my full attention.

The teaching is ramping up as their exams are in June too so things will need to slow down a little. I'll give more details next week of what the schedule will be. However later this week early next week you'll get definitely get the behind the scenes video for Skyrim.

Once I have more time in June I will start a weekly stream so as to bring you guys more content. Ideally I'll become a patreon focused creator because y'no, YouTube/Google is pure evil 😅 Thanks again for all your help. It's purely the reason I'm getting to go full time :)



Man, I wish I had you as a teacher.


haha :D They are all teenagers so way too cool to say whether they think the YouTube stuff is cool or not


Your videos were one of the reasons I got a Vive, and I don't regret it one bit! Thanks for the fantastic content, and I'm looking forward to more great stuff in the summer! 😀


Hah that's so cool! It's the best. I can't wait to watch the tech change over the next few years it's gonna be crazy


I have been having some hard days lately but your videos bring me a lot of laughter and joy on those hard days. I must’ve watched the Skyrim VR four times already, I can’t get over your wit!! Thank you for creativity, I can’t wait to see what you throw out to the world when you have more time!!


Your sense of humor and visual comedy are perfection, though certainly not to discredit your attention to detail and wonderful editing skills. I follow many Youtubers and laugh at many things throughout the videos I watch but no one home-runs humor on every swing like you do for me. I'm sorry that I can't afford to pledge more but if you keep this up you'll have a million subs in no time.


Who am I kidding? The secret is your hair. It's always been the hair.


I'm sorry to hear that Carly but I am so glad I can help out! :) I always find GameGrumps help my worries melt away


I will print this and tape it to my desk for inspiration 😅 thank you so much dude, that is incredibly kind of you


I love this sentiment because it reminds me of one of my favorite scenes in your Skyrim video, which was the "This was such a waste of ink" bit. I don't believe anyone appreciates the comedic timing on your head and eye movements as much as I did. I can't express with words how much I'm always looking forward to your next video. Keep up the great work and enjoy your time at your current job because I'm certain you'll miss it more than you expect to!


Been a pleasure to see your channel grow over the last few months, well deserved! What's next?