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Nakamas! I will start a Digital Sculpting Course live available for all patrons

Azerama's Digital Sculpting Course will have 5 modules

  • 1- Zbrush Basics /5 weeks/  
  • 2- Male Anatomy /10 weeks/ 
  • 3- Female Antomy /10 weeks/ 
  • 4- Stilyzed Character /10 weeks/ 
  • 5- Character's Model for 3D printing  /5 weeks/


We will start this Saturday 10th at 11:00 a.m. 


At our discord server https://discord.gg/jR5fSSnjCG in "VoiceChannelForPatrons"

How it will works?  

We will have 1 session per week. We will start form the basics, from Zero.  All sessions will be live in our Discord Server, so if you have a question you can share your screen and I will help you with it.  The class will be recorded and I will upload it to Youtube (so by taking the class you are giving consent to be recorded and published online). 

The first language on the class will be English ( My English is really out of practice so that will help me to practice it ). All students need Zbrush already installed and a pen tablet ( you don't need a fancy one, the small size and cheaper is good) .

1 hour per session, I will leave homework every week, it will be optional do it or notHomework exercises can be done in about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

(The image is one of my old exercises from 2015)




This is super cool! Are you planning to record the sessions? Unfortunately I don't think I'd be able to attend live but would love to check out recordings if possible. :))

peebo peebo

Thats sounds awesome, ill be there. WIth the weeks listed is that 40 total or will each week over lap for 10?


We will go step by step, maybe we can speed up that will depends on how many we are and how we move forward together