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Some patrons have suggested that I need to implement a system in which every month we have characters from different video games or animes and thus not repeat the same franchise a lot, that is, a franchise can be repeated but not 2 consecutive months.

What do you think?


Rigoberto Vargas

That’s the problem of leaving it to voting, if the majority of the voters are fans of something in particular its bound to win, if you want to have variety the solution its maybe ironically to limit the choice pool of options or to make the choice yourself, on the other hand there are creators that dedicate exclusively on certain franchise or characters, so it depends of what you want to do as a creator


Yes 100%! I think just preventing the same franchise from happening back to back two months in a row would be good enough. It won't stop from having more characters from a given franchise in the future, and diversity is definitely a plus in my book :)


Thank you Mr. Rigoberto Vargas, you gave me something to think about.