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Hay guys,

This was something I really enjoyed creating, lo and behold... An actual Female Orc, that does not look like a punctured tier. #LoveAllOrcs <- in case an Orc activist decides to to defend Orcs that look like tiers. I'm all in bro 💖for all Monster Girls.

This was a challenge though, this is the first Gum/Teeth related Morph i have ever created, which proved quite difficult at first until I managed to figure out a very simple and intuitive workflow to separate the teeth without Impacting the overall Jaw. Then the challenge of aligning the Lips, I had a weird bug when I move the .obj to ZBrush with a pose enabled (Mouth Open - So I can play around with the lips without a hassle) after sculpting, the morph retains the pose as well. So instead of troubleshooting it (Didn't have the energy or the brain capacity to tackle this right now) I went with the old school mask and pray I do not move/stretch/deform an unwanted surface when sculpting the lips. It worked 😁

Muhakudesu  - Now that you have been introduced to this wonderful barbaric lady (They say Orc's are quite the ladys once "Tamed" mhmm) we should figure out the name that suits her best  😃, obviously all is welcome to chip in and help Muhakudesu in his quest to find a suitable name for this wonderful green creature.




zbrush is amazing... nice work, as always


You flatter me lol... Seeing her now makes me definitely think she leans more towards the elegant and graceful side of the orc spectrum. Someone who would grow up to lead her tribe. Maybe she was the chieftain's daughter or maybe not, but her confidence makes me feel like she is experienced and would be a good leader. Definitely someone who likes to take control. Perhaps something like Shamalah? I don't want to give her too many hard sounds now. Gorliah?


Thanks, It's indeed an amazing software. but have to be patient when using it, for me it's tolerable unlike Blender.


I told you, imagine an Orc but think Laila... Yeah we have time to spare in naming her, I'm more concerend on the Dryad, as today/tomorrow I'll reveal her and make the Orc the new Hunt/Hidden Monster Girl.