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This is Grace – an American Chinese student studying in France for Music and Arts Major, she is quite found of Stromae. They say that at night in the college studio for recording, they hear some weird noises coming from the room. And every time, Grace leaves they find traces of liquids on the sofa.

The janitor grew frustrated with the daily cleaning he has to do on the Sofa every time he comes to work first thing in the morning, one day he decided to install some security cameras in the studio in order to identify the student responsible for the spillage. 

And today is the day he will be reviewing the tapes.



This is a joint collaboration between myself and TiSeb, as we both worked on created this excellence for all of you my humble patreon supporters. We worked on the Audio/Animation/Look/Texture and Lighting and Physics configurations, just to make sure that we have the best, if not the greatest interactive scene in VaM up to date.

This scene works best with Based sized figures such as Grace "Which means any of my Monster Girls can fit the scene seamlessly".

-Scene - Link in Discord
-Figure by Me - Link in Discord/Hub
-Asset by Me - Grace's Essentials
-Script by NoStage3 - UnityAssetVamifier
-Asset by IRIN455  -  Recording Studio 




Fantastic scene! Exciting seeing you enter the scene... scene. Just a heads up, there's a Thigh_High_Boots asset referenced in there, not that it seems to used for anything.


That is extremely strange, when I packaged it. This was not there. probably edited the file might broke some reference there. I'll check and update if need be. Thanks though BreakPoint from bringing this up. Also I do have a surprise concept I might be posting once the dust settles from this collab scene, this did take 2 weeks in the making. I hope you enjoy it. Edit: I Tried loading this on a fresh install of VaM using all the links provided by the scene here and grace look as well, I did not have any dependency missing, specially not "Thigh_High_Boots asset" which confused myself and TiSeb. Probably you have a broken asset somewhere that is effecting this?


Turned out it was an error because I didn't download the dress for the Grace look. My bad!


Wow , by far one of the best scenes i have seen so far.


When I place the scene into the Saves/scene folder it shows the folder when I go to load it in VaM, but the folder appears empty. Any idea what could be happening? This is the first time I encountered that.


You need to place the Package into the ( VaM\AddonPackages ). Once that is done, the scene should pop up when you relaunch the game on the left side on load. It's the same procedure with any of my other looks.


Derp, my mistake. I read it as a vac not a var. Thanks :)


One more question! How do I load up one of the monster girls in the scene instead? I tried the load look but it links me to a different folder and I'm not sure how to get back to the addon packages where the others are. I could be using VaM wrong though, as I'm still a noob


No problems, what you need to do is place the package same place as explained earlier. Once inside VaM, you need to load "Scene" not Look, similar to how you loaded the Collab Scene. Once you load the scene of any of the Monster/Base look you downloaded, just simply save the look in any of your folders or whatever you like. And load your preferred scene and then you can navigate to where you saved this figure and load it there instead.


Ahhh seems very roundabout and not sure I would have figured that out. Thanks!


Hmm, seems I am still not clear on this. So I loaded up the scene with the dryad. I went to the menu, hit "Save Scene" and saved it to the People/appearance folder which already had a lot in it from EasyMate IV I think. When I load up the studio scene and go to load looks, I am able to load everything in that folder except the ones I save myself.


When saving a package for release, I place all my figures in Scenes. Hence it's a scene that you have to load. Once you load one of my scenes "Fleur the Dryad" Select the person atom that has Fleur which is called in VaM "Person/PersonControl". After selecting it, a bunch of options would appear for you, your interested now in the "Control" tab. There will be an option appear in the top called Save/Load look. Save your look in the desired folder of choice. Once that is concluded, you can now load any scene that you got from the hub or anywhere els, including the collab scene that we are currently commenting on. And select the "Player Atom", check the Control Tab then "Load Look" then navigate to where you saved Fleur. I hope this helps.


Ah ha, yes that is very specific. Even I should be able to follow that ;) thanks