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Welp, after a very frustrating and painful process, I believe I kind of nailed down this workflow.

Never created a male Gen's texture from scratch before, a very steep curve refining dong texture, hilarious. But I believe this technique, It's very much possible to adapt on all the Monster Girls "Special Texture".

What you guys think? Is this something we should also spare some time into?




Yes! Please do.


Please do!


Any "male" content you make is amazing for me, because I use futas in place of males. This looks awesome :)


Gib noaw, but seriously any kind of content that is a bit exotic is welcome, since everyone does just normal human females (Except syrinxo and a few others)


great work


I think this is awesome and you should definitely spare some time into it! If you've got the workflow down, that means you might be able to do it for previous/future releases, which would make me happy but also attract a wider audience. Which, of course, means you'd be able to pursue more awesome stuff, which attracts more people, and it comes full circle. Looking forward to more!


As much as it's awesome, it is still time consuming. I'll try not to deviate from the current 2 monster a month schedule, otherwise it will be something along the line of 1 week creation (Concept new Monster) 1 week Release (Touch up on Concept Monster "Mainly fix stuff and create Maps") 1 week futifying the said monster? I don't know, this format means I'll be release 1 monster a month but 2 variants, and I'll provide context to that, some monsters have full body Fur, that does not translate to Male figure, therefore it's creating hair from scratch "Fur". I still haven't finished Jaza for example (Weresheep) as her concept is finished but not her refinement. So I'm not sure how to treat this schedule correctly as I still want to keep up with the variations and so much new concepts to play with. Also the Futa gens, I went beyond my way to also create something very interesting for Cowlina's gens, befitting of vainy Japanese futa dong. But then again, not everybody like that, some will want horse/cow dong, while others want vainy fat human dong 🤷‍♂️.


It's true. The main content people are here for is probably monster girls, so while it may attract another audience, the audience you already have and are appealing to might be larger than what you would gain from futa-fying. I didn't think it took that long to futafy, though, so if that's the case things are different. I'm weird where given the choice I'd even prefer futa>girl, but I know that's the minority. If you can only do it here and there, for me it would still be better than not at all, so do what works for you but know that there are patrons who would appreciate it!


You are absolutely right, it's possible this whole thing is just binds I placed to keep a specific track going, as I'm pretty much still new in Patreon and the whole purpose of this engagement is to create a community of and for Exotic Female Figures (Monster Girls Including Futas). That's why it's very much imperative that I lean on you guys for releases, because I want you to be part of this creation, as this is not a one way street conversation. This in all honesty include all tiers on this Patreon, your comments are of importance as this is a ship and if I'm the captain, we will not reach our destination without an awesome crew, that steers the this voyage. So yeah, futa has always been an end goal of mine to actually release all my monsters as futa too, regardless of audience to be precise.