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This is Mousy – The (Mouse) Monster Girl. Known to be Mischievous, this peculiar subspecies of mice tends to often delight themselves for being troublemakers. They are usually found around settlements and areas that is more dedicated for farming and the creation of dairy products (Cheese). Farmers learned to quickly set traps for them near production units and CowBeast bins. As they are cleaver little critters, they work in groups to disable the traps and get what they want, quite a nuisance. 

They are well knowing to be tribal and quick on a scent of dairy products. They use their wits to steal food from settlements and while they are on the hunt for food, they might steal a human male who is considered to be a very key aspect for their mating ritual. They have a peculiar trait; there is only one man per pack. A man carried away by them will become the center of the pack, and will be continuously violated by overwhelming numbers of them one after another. In the event that the number of individuals in a pack increases too much, the young will leave the group and form a new pack. This pack will then head for a human settlement, seeking a man to serve as the center of the new group.

Be careful, or you will be carried next when you’re trying to go home with that cheese in your hands.


Mousy was the first creation in the line of Monster Girls that I have created. Her inspiration came from the trailer from Cat's.

As when I watched the trailer, I was like... Hold on, I can make this in VaM! Thus became the journey that kicked off this madness.

The first iteration was a Cat Girl, so I went and made hair like mesh in ZBrush and tried to import it in DaZ, it just crashed my computer. After a couple of tries and optimizations (2.7 Mil Vertices) I managed to bring it to VaM as clothing. IT WORKED!

Then I abandon the project altogether until 1.8 when the hair creation tools got implemented. Thus Original Mousy was created.

Old Mousy Link 

After a while, I went on to create several other Monster Girls. Until the Patreon thing came along, where I decided I think I should revisit Mousy and give her a proper makeover.

Welcome Mousy 2.0 - Link in Discord/Hub

-Inside you'll find Mousy Look (Scene + Body Hair [Fur]
-Troubleshooting - You need 1.9 Beta Opt In to access the AddonPackage.




Hiya! The download link for Mousy 2.0 seems to be broken.


mousy is one of my favorite models to enjoy. Wicked job dude!


How can I figure out where each file goes?


For Original Mousy, just drop the files in your VaM Directory. For Mousy 2.0 You would need to drop the Package in AddonPackages


bro, how to download? i cant find discord


or she is paid? fur dont work on old model :c


Sorry, did not see your post. She is not paid but the older model got updated to a new version as explained in the post. Her download link should be in my Discord.