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Verse 1:
In the caverns of my heart, ember-lit,
I cradled memories like fragile glass,
Each shard a testament to pain endured,
A fractured mirror reflecting my past.

I am the phoenix, rising from the pyre,
Wings aflame with hope, my spirit higher.
In the alchemy of healing, I aspire,
To rewrite my story, set my heart on fire.

Verse 2:
But the alchemist moon whispered secrets,
How to transmute sorrow into gold,
To weave new constellations from old wounds,
And find solace in stories yet untold.

I am the phoenix, rising from the pyre,
Wings aflame with hope, my spirit higher.
In the alchemy of healing, I aspire,
To rewrite my story, set my heart on fire.

Verse 3:
So I stitched stardust into my veins,
Painted galaxies upon my skin,
For the universe is vast, and I am but
A wanderer seeking where dreams begin.

I am the phoenix, rising from the pyre,
Wings aflame with hope, my spirit higher.
In the alchemy of healing, I aspire,
To rewrite my story, set my heart on fire.

Verse 4:
Now, I stand on the precipice of dawn,
My scars no longer chains but battle hymns,
And as the sun kisses my broken edges,
I leap—my phoenix heart ablaze, wings trimmed.

I am the phoenix, rising from the pyre,
Wings aflame with hope, my spirit higher.
In the alchemy of healing, I aspire,
To rewrite my story, set my heart on fire.

For the past is but a canvas, and I,
An artist with colors yet untried,
I'll paint my tomorrows with hope's brushstroke,
And let healing winds carry me skyward.



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