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From Shanghai's bustling quay, we embark on the northern sway,
Where the compass needle twirls, our sails unfurl to play.
Past the isles of Japan, where cherry blossoms lay,
A whispering sea breeze carries us, on the Pacific's grand ballet.

The isles of Japan fade, a memory profound,
As we chase the horizon's line, where sky and water compound.
Through the Marshall's tranquil realm, our memories are crowned,
With tales of ocean's past, where nature's bounty is abound.



Oh, the joy of the sea, as we sail the world so free,
From Shanghai's port, we depart, to the vast and open sea.
Japan whispers soft farewells, as we sail away with glee,
Marshall Islands' beauty tells, of nature's tapestry.
Hawaii's hula sways, in our hearts, it will be,
As we sail away, with the waves, in perfect harmony.
California's golden shore, our final jubilee,
Each stop a treasure more, in this sailing odyssey.



To the Marshall's scattered crowns, jewels of the ocean's fray,
We glide through atolls and lagoons, in the sun's eternal ray.
Hawaii's aloha spirit, in the waves' majestic spray,
Bids us farewell as we pass, in the night's serene display.

Hawaii's shores beckon, with their hula dance renowned,
We linger in their warmth, in the aloha we found.
But the journey calls us forth, to where the dreams are homeward bound,
To California's golden gate, where our spirits will be unbound.



Oh, the joy of the sea, as we sail the world so free,
From Shanghai's port, we depart, to the vast and open sea.
Japan whispers soft farewells, as we sail away with glee,
Marshall Islands' beauty tells, of nature's tapestry.
Hawaii's hula sways, in our hearts, it will be,
As we sail away, with the waves, in perfect harmony.
California's golden shore, our final jubilee,
Each stop a treasure more, in this sailing odyssey.


With each knot and starry guide, our vessel charts the way,
Through the vast and open blue, where dreams and dolphins stray.
Until at last, California's shores rise up to meet the day,
Our northern passage complete, in the golden state's embrace we stay.

With each island left behind, our hearts with joy are wound,
For every wave we ride, brings us closer to the mound.
Of California's welcoming arms, where our spirits will be unbound,
As we complete our northern trek, with our sea-faring love profound.



Oh, the joy of the sea, as we sail the world so free,
From Shanghai's port, we depart, to the vast and open sea.
Japan whispers soft farewells, as we sail away with glee,
Marshall Islands' beauty tells, of nature's tapestry.
Hawaii's hula sways, in our hearts, it will be,
As we sail away, with the waves, in perfect harmony.
California's golden shore, our final jubilee,
Each stop a treasure more, in this sailing odyssey. 




I don't know what started this story based music spree, but I'm all here for it. Though it'd probably be wise to spread them out. At this rate it would probably get old in a dozen or so chapters. Make it a special occasion you know.


It's only a specific part of the story. Sorry, but there won't be an endless album. I've been "cooking" this for a long time and working on it, and its time and location in the story has arrived.

David Gustin

Pirates an also put a song in a recent chapter. I’m here for it!