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GREETINGS CITIZENS, apologies for my eerie silence over the majority of this month. I promise I didn't die. I would never die on you bbycakes xoxo

Whipping up this sketch has reminded me that I like drawing ol' fashioned four-legged horses, so you'll probably be seeing me draw 'em more often for at least a hot minute before I forget again and go back to primarily drawing two-legged FREAKS.

Also I realized only after this sketch was 50% complete that this month is Pride Month and this sketch aligns perfectly with the occasion. The Gays™ have infiltrated my water supply and now I am enacting their every command without even thinking about it. Alex Jones was right all along.

(... In case any of Patreon's staff reads this post, that was a joke. A goof. A gaff, if you will. I do not support Alex Jones in any way, shape, or form, nor do I believe the conspiracy theory that our water is being polluted with LGBT-causing chemicals. Ty)




Seeing this makes me so exited for my king sombra fursuit I commissioned


Glad you're not dead! They both look great!