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-- SOLO LEVEL #8 --


The Patreon reactions act as a watch-along being uncut with a timer on screen! This way, you can watch my full reaction by syncing up the show on an official platform on another device, another tab on your computer, etc.

Crunchy:  Link


Patreon SL 8

Watch "Patreon SL 8" on Streamable.



I don't remember the dynamics completely but yoojin doesn't want the state and the guilds to have a monopoly on resources cause it's causing normal jobs and industry to fall behind the times and fail but he's also after money and something else thats not known yet. He also doesn't have all the information either the association is government but run by hunters at the top brass so the government actually has very little power and they have to deal with gates nobody wants which is massive and thankless with less resources and manpower than guilds.

Kazuki Ohira

The Jeju Island is presumably an S-Rank dungeon. To beat a boss of a dungeon you usually need either a hunter with a higher rank than the dungeon or at least 4 hunters with the same rank as the dungeon with a balanced team and good equipment. At least, that's how I see it after the episode with the spider dungeon.