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-- OP 562-563 --


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One Piece 562-563 PATREON Reaction

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Disclaimer, my opinion may change by the end of the arc, I haven't re-watched this arc in a long time. His motivation being based on "nothing" is boring to me. So what, he was just born a racist asshole? Not every villain has to have empathetic reasons, but I was kind of expecting one considering his goal is global genocide of all humans 😅 . Also, they had hyped this up as some big reveal but this was obviously underwhelming. Look at Jack's face when it was explained 💀. That was probably 90% of people at least, including me. Obviously Oda wrote Hordy as a dude that we were SUPPOSED to hate. An irredeemable piece of trash who was the personification of racism. But to me he isn't even interesting trash. He's just trash. Crocodile had no apparent reason for being a complete prick, and zero redeeming backstory, but at least he was fun to watch and had great scenes and dialogue. Hordy just repeats the same anti-human BS on repeat like a record player, he almost never says anything interesting. Anyway, I don't dislike this arc but Hordy is one of the weaker parts of it for me.


And people say this loops back to Fisher Tiger and Otohime, but I don't see it? They were both fighting the cycle of perpetuated racism. Stuff like parents telling their kids fishmen are evil. It hit hard because that mirrors common racism in real life. They wanted to bridge the gap to change the way people view fishmen. But how would they fight or prevent racism that has no reason? I don't see the connection. If it had shown Hordy being influenced by racist adults that would make sense, but that isn't what we were told. Edit: There seems to be a misunderstanding. I was saying it didn't show detailed scenes of Hordy learning racism from adults DURING the reveal. Obviously Hordy idolized Arlong, but we didn't see much of his transformation. It's not that I missed it. Also, I checked and the show literally shows those scenes I was asking for at the beginning of the next episode that show Hordy beign influenced by adults. So how was I wrong for wanting them to go into more detail? I had said I might change my opinion for that exact reason. That being said I think it's very unlikely I will end up liking his character considering I never liked him on my first watch through either, but we'll see. His motivations fit the theme of the arc, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy his character. I still find him a bit lackluster.

Evgeniy Mokrushin

"If it had shown Hordy being influenced by racist adults that would make sense, but that isn't what we were told." That's literally what the show says. Hody has no personal hate for humans, it's just the enviroment where he grow up. It's what Fisher Tiger and Otohime were talking about, "children who grow up on hatred"


That's not what I meant. When I said "If it had shown Hordy being influenced by racist adults that would make sense, but that isn't what we were told." I was talking about more detailed scenes being shown DURING the reveal this episode. We knew Hordy idolized Arlong, but that was it. I was expecting to see actual scenes of him being influenced with the reveal if they were trying to emphasize perpetuated racism. I peeked at the next episode to see if they elaborated, and surprise surprise they show Hordy's past and show racist adults influencing him. The exact thing I was saying would make the reveal make more sense. So why are people acting like me expecting those scenes was unnecessary? 😅 Also, a bit weird that you replied here instead of below my comment. Did you not want me to see it or something?? If you're going to criticize something I said maybe say it in a reply to me rather than whatever this is.

Destiny Samuel

Hordy going for his Zoro moment with the “Nothing happened.”