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Hey Patreon peeps, just want to keep y'all in the loop as well. I received 3 copyright strikes on YouTube last night which puts my channel at risk of deletion and doesn't allow me to upload for over 2 weeks/until the strikes are resolved - I just want to let you guys know that uploads will not pause here on Patreon while I try to sort that out on YouTube. Thank you all so much for your support, as it's scary situations like this that make me very grateful for your monetary support here on Patreon <3



I'm so sorry you gotta deal with this Jack 😟, it sucks. We've got your back, though! ❤ I'm glad my subscription makes a difference, I'm certainly not going anywhere! Your content brings me a lot of joy, and that won't change. It seems so backwards that YouTube's copyright system offers so little protection for their creators, I don't get it. Why does YouTube feel the need to accommodate these corrupt companies this much? This is just plain harassment of creators. They are knowingly abusing the strike system against content that CLEARLY abides by fair use. I'm sure you know this already, but you have done absolutely nothing wrong and do not deserve this. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck as always! ❤

Smiling Saiyan

Got your back Jack! Stay strong man!wishing you the best of luck through this!


nooo we gon get thru dis