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-- OP Live Action #5 --


The Patreon reactions act as a watch-along being uncut with a timer on screen! This way, you can watch my full reaction by syncing up the show on an official platform on another device, another tab on your computer, etc.

Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/80217863


Patreon OP LA 5

Watch "Patreon OP LA 5" on Streamable.



All the antagonists are top tier, and I'm actually enjoying the changes in the story making it more interesting.


I don't think Nami was smiling because she was flattered by Sanji; I think she was smiling because she was enjoying being teased by friends for the first time. I love the added interactions with Zoro and Nami. It's been previously established that Zoro isn't a talker and Nami isn't good at making friends and they're the lone wolves of the group, but Zoro makes an effort to get her to open up, and it makes sense that she would with him, since she's pegged him as a fellow lonely kid. I hope the live action in future seasons continues to give us these scenes of the other Straw Hats bonding even when Luffy's not around.