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The Patreon reactions act as a watch-along being uncut with a timer on screen! This way, you can watch my full reaction by syncing up the show on an official platform on another device, another tab on your computer, etc.

Crunchyroll: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GR19V7816/dragon-ball-super

Funimation: https://www.funimation.com/shows/dragon-ball-super/

Hulu: https://www.hulu.com/series/dragon-ball-super-0921b58c-bef9-4a4d-a677-03ec7745428c



Watch "Super Ep 99 PATREON REACTION!" on Streamable.



What happened to episode 98? Doesn't show on my list?

Ralphy Ruvalcaba

guys guys guys... listen here...youre listening? you got your headphones up in your ears or your phone up to your ears? GOOD! Now *long pause* JackTHEbusman here knows about the "infamous one hour special" and he knows that youre doing this on every dbs upload because hes reading the comments literally every day. SO *claps while diving in* heres what yall gonna do! Yall need to shut up and let the man enjoy his show alright? Cuz the next time i come in next episode and i see the first person's comment doing the exact same thing, i would raid into your house after bed, rip your laptops, smash your computers, destroy your phones, HAKAI! your consoles. And maybe being a disrespectful guy and shove your fingers into a glass a water and make you piss while you are dreaming about jack watching those 2 dbs episodes *you creeps*. we dont want that now right? now be a good boy and go touch some grass. goodbye


Imagine assuming you have the authority to push your personal opinion anywhere. Here is a mind numbing obvious fact, MAYBE just MAYBE Jack is a grown man who if by some strange chance really truly gave even the slightest concern to what someone post everyday, and follow me here, He would probably of just said it Himself. He doesn't need some no name dude from the internet to white knight for him.

P.J. Germain Jr.

Imagine typing up all that only to finish with "touch grass" and not see any irony in that


well yeah he does have the authority to say his personal opinion anywhere, it’s in the first amendment of the constitution


When your camera froze and when you realized it was hilarious


It's so annoying to me that Krillin was written to just stand there on the edge of the ring. Like, seriously? With what is at stake? Gohan established very early on that the edge of the ring was super dangerous and to stay closer to the center. Krillin was supposed to be the one who stood a chance by using his brain, so for him to lose in such a stupid avoidable way is just garbage. If if he gets eliminated first fine, but give him a dignified exit instead of making him the laughing stock of Universe 7 once again bro 😭. I'm not even a big Krillin fan but it hurts to see him go out like that after all the training he did.