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HEY ALL! Hope you're having a wonderful week! Today I am OFFICIALLY bringing back "let's argue"! If you haven't seen it before, it was a series inspired by Anthony Fantano where I take all your hot takes and opinions about anime here on PATREON, and respond to as many as I can in a YouTube video!

Typically these will be restricted to specific anime, but for this return it can be an opinion/take about ANY ANIME you want! (that I've seen lul)

That being said, go drop as many as you'd like in the comment section of this post, drop likes on the takes you most want me to respond to, and have civil discussion amongst yourselves! :D


- Jack




One Piece has an amazing art style and many people who let that hold them back from watching it are just using the same stigma that prevents many people from watching anime in the first place; "it looks like a cartoon and cartoon = not worth taking seriously." That's the exact mindset that prevents animated movies from being taken seriously by many in the west.

die kokosnuss

Rating Anime will only destroy your enjoyment of the medium. After a while you will only think about what rating you should give an Anime instead of just enjoying it as is. Thats why even if you are using websites like myanimelist you should only use it to keep a track record of what anime you have watched aqnd on wich episode you are on and not rate them.


naruto is underrated in his own show


(Naruto) The Haku and Zabuza problem was too rushed and more characters along that had similar cooping as something emphasizing the Haku existential crisis would have been way more impactful

Eternals Developing

This is very long, as all of my posts are. Only read it if you have the time and energy for it. TL/DR: The last fight in Naruto was bad and Boruto sucked, at least so far as I watched it. Also, reactors should watch OPs in animes when they appear in the show, not before or after, and they should focus on the video, not the music. Long version: No idea if I'm in time for this or not, and my opinion isn't really about any specific anime so much as it touches upon a common and, in my opinion, annoying trend among people who react to anime and people who watch those who react. So, my hot take, for lack of a better phrase, is that I really do not like it when people either watch openings to animes they are not watching yet in so-called "anime op reaction vids" or when they skip them in total. I know a lot of people claim that openings spoil future content, but that's bullshit and people who say that need to learn the difference between spoiler and teaser content. By that logic, reactors should also skip watching both trailers for future seasons and PVs for new shows, since they would also fall under "spoiler" content. In my opinion, OPs are put where they are in the show for a reason and so at least once, when it shows up for the first time in the actual show, should content creators watch and react to them. Also, although the music is good in most cases, the vast majority of songs in openings have little if anything to do with the show and the video is actually the important part and what it was designed for people to focus on while watching. If the above opinion falls too far outside of the theme, then here's a thought on something that falls closer to home, I should hope. I feel like the last boss of the Naruto show, Kaguya, came out of nowhere and was completely out of place. The whole show more or less built up Madara as the big bad, only to then yeet him and introduce someone new and completely unheard of for the final fight in the show. Now, I've heard we learn more of her and her species in the Boruto show, but I could only stomach something like 8 or 10 episodes of that before I gave up on it. Everything proceeded way to fast, the general mood and setting of the world was too different to the one setup in Naruto for such a short period of time to have passed, and all of the story lines, if we can even call them that, they explored in those episodes felt shallow and dull. At least by that time in the original show, they had properly introduced the main cast and established a world setting and some part of the history. I didn't even get the feeling of that from Boruto. I know the whole Naruto show serves as setting the stage, but the world in Boruto felt too different for that to make sense to me and overall it just didn't captivate me. I expected more from the people who wrote the original.