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One Piece 324-325 PATREON Reaction

Watch "One Piece 324-325 PATREON Reaction" on Streamable.


John Stephen Sundae

I would just like to mention that Blackbeard's fruit although OP af no question and gives him the advantage over people who are just extremely reliant on their df, it doesnt give him super strength and would still lose in a fight against people who are strong physically and without devil fruits like zoro, sanji and shanks because vortex wont work on them, BUUUUTTTTT, if you recall during shanks and whitebeard's meeting he mentions blackbeard injured him, who is nonetheless one of the four emperors, the big four of the pirate world closest to getting the one piece. Meaning blackbeard is no effin joke.


god ace is so freaking cool


Just say he was clearly already really strong before the fruit, trying to imply zoro or sanji could somehow beat him right now just seems purposefully confusing


the characterization of blackbeard always amazes me

John Stephen Sundae

And if you can read AND understand you would not be confused why i had to make a distinction. Sad how people want to correct others to make them look smart and not have an opinion of their own. Hate to inform you it has the reverse effect than what you wanted. Imagine going to a fine dining restaurant and describing the food there as "delicious", you are not a critique but a pretentious moron who obviously have: 1. No appreciation 2. No intellect. And if you hadnt noticed, this is not youtube, this is patreon, i did not pay patronage to read your lecture so dont go commenting on other people's comment, though you are free to read them, because we are not here for you. Imagine expecting me to change my comment just because you said so. How important do you think you are anyway?

Hardens Burner

im guessing ur not skipping thriller bark


Blackbeard's final line in 325 is so cool in retrospect


You are so not ready for the "massive event" that will occure. Strap in, things are going to get very chaotic in the one piece world.


He doesn't quite have this context yet or understands what you even mean, so its best to not explain these things. All will be said in the story, your just providing hints and spoilers that are not needed.


whats a thriller bark, aren't they are going to FISHMAN island. Jeese man your obvously not following things correctly.


Ace's va hit the flame emperor line so hard I get hype every single time


Ace's moveset is one of my favorites in One Piece 🔥🔥 Btw, I think you figured it out but just in case there was any confusion - Blackbeard said it was a rule on Whitebeard's ship that the person who finds the fruit gets to eat it. Thatch found the dark-dark fruit, so it was his fruit according to the crew's rules. But BB was a fake bro and showed his true colors smh

Gavin Barham

A lot of ppl will hate on this next arc bc its between two massive arcs but its one of my personal favs i hope you enjoy it as much as i did the asthetic is just so sick imo. its usually the same ones that hate on skypeia too.

Sidari Yumanara

so instead of actually explainig what he presumably misunderstood in your comment, you take the time to write a whole essay to insult him? very adult of you. Also funny how you call one sentence a lecture, while your answer is a whole block of text lmao

Asher Dalbey

I wonder. Do you remember the name of the first arc of one piece? The one that gives us Luffy's backstory with Shanks

John Stephen Sundae

What are you his bf? I dgaf about your opinion, go away. You feeling entitled? You think yourself a superhero? Stop being delusional, youre nothing special, go marry him if you like no one cares.

John Stephen Sundae

Another person with a God complex shows up who thinks their opinion matters. First of all go make your own comment. You are not supposed to reply to anyone here, if you have no sense of where you are, read what patreon means. Im not here subscribing to your bullsht bytch. Go be important somewhere else not to me, i dont have a single flying f to give both of you morons.

John Stephen Sundae

How is it backseating when everything i have mentioned has already been mention and was even just mentioned in this episode and i was just pointing it out bytch. You want to look smart but i have the honor to tell you, you just did a great job at making yourself look like a moron. So well done. Go ask for a refund from where you graduated from, your education is trash.

John Stephen Sundae

Youre just another fking moron who is a member of the butthurt clan who thinks they have rights to comment to another person's paid comment because you want to feel important even though you arent a moderator here. Bytch please go have therapy, you've been raised to feel important? Gods, youre parents must suck at parenting you because you dont even know the proper chat etiquette for patreon. Go back to watching your ads at youtube and comment to people as much as you want there because they might probably give a f about you there than your parents ever gave you.


I don’t think it’s fair to say the reason that people don’t like the arc is because it’s between 2 great arcs. I just don’t care for it. It bored me. I enjoy the beginning and the end of it, and a fight in the middle. And I love Skypiea. Only Water 7 beats out Skypiea for me.


Exact same feeling for me, skypiea was always one of my favorite even before the recent hype it get. Thriller bark have some very highs but very lows too. For me it's the worst arc of one piece, it don't mean it's bad but there must be one for each of us (yeah i don't consider foxy as an arc it was just Oda trying to make a filler lmao). Spoilers / Theory (even for manga reader) : I may change my mind about foxy arc when Oda will reveal than ROCKS was formed by davy back fight, if this shit was introduced for no reason except pirate lore and the crew chilling on small island to meet Aokiji, I will be disapointed ahah

Sidari Yumanara

Lmao you seriously need help my friend and that's the last thing I'm gonna write here 😂


the transition of jack from "blackbeard's kinda pathetic..." to "holy shit he's so MENACING" is 👌👌👌


romance dawn, orange town, syrup "village/island", baratie, arlong park, "louge" town, millennia dragon filler, reverse mountain||||| these are the arcs in order for the east blue saga (messed up a few words)