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lots of good insight, your asking all the right questions


I would assume the scar that Whitebeard said throbs when he sees Shanks was given to him by Roger in battle. Shanks reminds him of Roger since Shanks was a member of his crew.


@skars rewatch the scene. Before Shanks says that, Whitebeard also talks about his own scar. They both say they have throbbing scars.


not sure but I think whitebeards scar is from roger since they clashed often and shanks was on rogers crew


320 is the next Canon episode btw


The story of one piece is going to get even more exciting from here on out and the world at large is going to begin moving. So get ready


Haki is the universal power of the series. It's convoluted and is ever changing even at the current part of the story. So when you said it's like aura, that's the perfect way to put it. Think of it like Nen but not as fleshed out


You're right on track with the Blackbeard, Ace and Shanks thinking. Essentially, Shanks went to Whitebeard to gauge what Whitebeards thoughts on the situation were by asking him to have Ace leave the situation alone. The reason being, Shanks wanted to confirm that if he himself went after Blackbeard, would he be stepping on Whitebeards toes? Then they clashed and rended the sky...


spoilers bruh.. just let him watch it will explain it in the show. delete this


I don't believe it to be a spoiler and therefore I will not delete it. A spoiler would be me saying, "Shanks' Haki does blank and all these other characters do blank with haki by blank episode." That would be spoiling the future events of the series. All I did was reward his intuition by giving a comparison to another series. Police your own understanding of reality before you dictate others'


It's certainly a spoiler dude, the point is that you are drip fed information about the power until later in the series when it becomes a mainstay. I really hope Jack doesn't read this. Delete this lol


Every series has a universal power. He's smart enough to recognize that, evident by the fact he made a comparison to aura when contemplating it. To you as well, stop policing others and more specifically, stop treating everyone as a little kid. Dude is observant enough to have a large online anime following and smart enough to guess that Haki has a large place to play in the series. If you want to protect someone have a kid or get a pet. Stop generalizing people like they're weak idiots. Learn to read between the lines in life instead of living through blanketed statements that reveal your ego


Ahhh, look personal attacks instead of refutting the points put forth. Keep working on growing up kiddies. You definitely like anime, but you've internalized nothing from it Edit: nice deletion of your second comment skars, very adult of you. Good thing the email notification doesn't get deleted as well: "bro it sounds like you got some personal shit going on just delete this shit already 🤦‍♂️"


Lmao, it's hilarious how concerned you get when Aokiji shows up outta nowhere, but he's literally such a chill dude despite being a top marine


We finally get the payoff for episode 151. Shanks had just left to go meet Whitebeard. Also reminder that Blackbeard is looking to capture Luffy to get a name for himself and trade him in exchange for the position in the Seven Warlords.


Now that we've seen that scene with Aokiji and Robin and "the tree she calls home" (ayyyy robin, like the bird), we can extrapolate how much changed for Aokiji in the 20 years since Ohara. When we first meet him, he's short tempered, quick to yell at his men, and firmly in the Absolute Justice camp. But seeing what Sakazuki did to the evac ship, and having to take down his friend changed him. In Oda SBS we learn that Aokiji started looking at Garp like a mentor, and started easing up on things to the point that his form of Justice became Slovenly Justice. Granted, being in the Navy means he will follow orders when he absolutely has to. Also Smoker has a similar relationship to Aokiji as Aokiji had to Garp. I like to think that Garp's chain of mentorship results in truly good Marines, who, amongst all the different forms of Justice, are able to see the forest for the trees.

Hardens Burner

This Patreon lag is slowly killing me


Hey could you specify what is happening? I've had 1 or 2 reports about lag. Does it only happen with this type of player? I use two different ones sometimes but it may just be one of them.


Any plans to watch the movies cause I would love to see your take on the 6th movie for its amazing unique animation style and just completely different tone compared to any part of the series or movies

Uras Günenç

yea it happens with this player specifically, the other one is smooth sailing, for me at least.


You are overthinking this, it was not that deep. Shanks went there to warn Whitebeard that Black Beard was a huge threat, and that he was underestimating him. He was also worried about Ace, who is hunting Blackbeard. That's it.


Aokiji is chill.... until he's not. He did try to kill Robin last time they met, and he wasn't even really provoked into it. He certainly has a merciless side, just like when he killed his friend Saul.


Jack has made it VERY clear that he considers any comment talking about information pertaining to future epsiodes to be a spoiler. It doesn't matter what you personally consider a spoiler, you are not the reactor. Don't talk about future mechanics, no matter how vague you think you are being. It's not that hard. Haki is supposed to be an unknown at this point, you're the one that's wrong for thinking you need to explain it to him. It gets explained later.


Well, if/when he comments and says it directly about my comment I'll apologize and take my L. Until then, I'm not gonna take what you say as fact just because you said it, you're a random on the internet just like I am to you. Get over yourself


I'm sorry to disrupt your head canon, I was just telling it how it is. There is no evidence to support what you said, and it doesn't even make sense to begin with.


Right, you're telling ME how I should think about it through your head canon. Again, "keep your surface level thinking to yourself."


No, you can think whatever you want. I don't care what you believe, no matter how wacky a theory is. Just don't act like they are fact when leaving a comment to a reactor, it's misinformation.


"Just don't act like they are fact when leaving a comment to a reactor, it's misinformation." Separate yourself from your ego for a moment and recognize that what we're both suggesting are our opinions on a moment in an anime. Neither of us is more right than the other. But one of us is forcing the other to see it another way here through continued commenting. That's you.


I only lose when I myself consider it a loss. You can keep typing in ways that force me to think like you do. It hasn't worked yet, but good luck with your fruitless persistence


Tbf, with the intel Aokiji had on Robin it's fairly reasonable for him to assume she's too dangerous to let go again especially since he's an Admiral - she was Crocodile's right-hand and look what happened to Alabasta as a result The worst decision Aokiji made that always bothers me is the fact that he gave Spanda a BUSTER CALL dendenmushi, crazyyyy, my guy messed up big time with that, no excuses imo


Shanks literally says why he came to meet Whitebeard, it’s fact not opinion. I only repeated what Shanks said. If Oda wanted us to think Shanks had an ulterior motive, there would have been some direct indication of that. I’m interpreting it the way Oda wrote it. It makes perfect sense when taken at face value, and even serves as obvious foreshadowing for what comes later. Shanks already knew that Blackbeard had defected after killing Thatch and was being hunted by Ace, and on top of that Blackbeard attacked him. It would have already been obvious to him that if he killed Blackbeard Whitebeard would not retaliate. They were enemies.


Remember how you said that I'm thinking too deep on this and my rebuttal was that maybe you're thinking too surface level. Maybe it doesn't need to be explicitly stated. Maybe that's the thing that makes an incredible story all that much better. So maybe, just maybe, you're limiting your understandings of what I'm suggesting because you're too blinded by your own opinion. The one that you yourself said has to be explicitly stated by Oda. And if you know anything about Oda and this story, he hides deeper truths in pretty much everything, only for something to be revealed along those lines later on. I'll leave you to ponder, or maybe you'll bounce to the other comment and I'll keep dismissing your points that you keep shoving down my throat. "Good luck"


Btw, you revealed something in your last comment that hasn't happened in Jack's watch through yet. For someone whose so gung-ho against calling me out on spoiling something in the other comment, you spoiled something to try and make a point. If that's not a sign that you're blinding yourself to your better judgement I don't know what is


Jack is not reading all the way down this stupid argument thread, he has better stuff to do with his time. He won’t see what I said. Even if he does, what I said is extremely vague. “Only for something to be revealed along those lines later on”. And guess what? That didn’t happen in this case. You can’t argue that your complete hypothetical for a future reveal is fact. I have said enough. My point is, you shouldn’t try to influence a reactor’s interpretation of events with hypotheticals that are not proven by the dialogue or story. That’s all I wanted to say.


Welp, it takes two to tango so you're part of the "stupid" as you put it. And my point has been that you shouldn't try to influence other peoples' enjoyment and interpretations of a moment. Again, I'm not sitting here telling you to believe me, or anyone else for that matter. I threw my interpretation out and if Jack commented and saw it differently I think I've proven through my rebuttals with you that I'd be rounded in my response. You on the other hand have indignantly been trying to get me to align with your thinking patterns. All while deviating and deflecting the good points I made against you specifically. I hope you'll follow through with having "said enough"


Yeah, I agree that it was logical of Aokiji to see Robin as a threat. He didn’t really understand how much she had changed at the time. I also agree with giving Spandam the dendenmushi being crazy, that’s like giving a nuke to a sociopathic child. It did end up being an obstacle to the straw hats like Aokiji may have wanted, but now Enies Lobby has been completely leveled and at least a few innocent marines were probably killed in all of the cannon fire.


I cannot stress enough how little I care about your opinion on what happened in that scene. I don’t care what you believe, you have the right to believe whatever you want. The problem is you framed what you were saying as fact. You didn’t say “my interpretation” or “my opinion” in your first comment. I wouldn’t have responded if you had. This is not about me wanting to influence your opinion on the scene, if you really believe that then you have missed the point of everything I’ve said thus far.


You're correct that I didn't. But insofar as this thread has gone on I have said my opinion and my interpretation. Because that's how conversation works, we understand each other better as we talk. Your problem is you've considered this an "argument thread" so you're never gonna have any different opinion of me other than the indignant one you started with.


I understand you so completely that I've been calling you out from the get-go, because your surface level thinking is the same as everyone else's and my deep thinking makes it easy for me to see these things. It makes it easy for me to see that you've been typing emotionally from the start and those emotions make you say hypocritical stuff to every other comment you've sent. So you haven't "said enough," you're gonna keep responding to try and feel right. You're driven by emotionality and that blinds you. Work on that homie


You were only able to clarify your wording in conversation thanks to me calling you out, so you’re welcome. This was an argument thread because you responded with “you’re not that deep, keep your surface level thinking to yourself”. You basically told me to fuck off and didn’t even bother to start a civil conversation, that’s on you. Take some accountability for your immature behavior. I actually gave your opinion some thought, I just disagree. Amazing how that works. I even told you why I disagree. You failed reading comprehension. With all due respect, you don’t have “deep thinking”. You created an irrational theory. It’s flawed on so many levels. I don’t want to hear “typing emotionally” from someone who is throwing a literally temper tantrum in the Haki thread and insulting people left and right there. You’re the angriest person here. “Hypocritical” How? I’m not guilty of anything I accused you of. Are you just throwing out words now and seeing what sticks? I replied again to clarify my stance, because you mistakenly thought that I wanted to change your opinion. I don’t recall ever saying that I wouldn’t respond again. I don’t have to “feel” right, I am right. I only stated what happened canonically. This is also funny coming from someone who keeps responding, who’s the hypocrite now?


What you're overlooking is that you told me I was looking too deeply. So I met you with an eye for an eye on energy. Then you got wrapped up in the emotionality of what you're blinding yourself to, and you're still commenting emotionally. Lmao, always got an excuse for yourself buddy, I hope that works out for you in the long run of life.


It's also funny how you started using quotes only after I did, you're using what I introduced in conversation to bolster your own point. But your point has become take and then destroy socially. Why so grouchy Grinch? Who stole Christmas from you? And that's become your point because we've gotten far away from the topic my original comment was about. I can admit I helped get us there, but I did it because I've dealt with your type on the internet and you can only get closer to being better by recognizing your flaws. But you don't want to recognize your flaws, you want to make excuses for them. "Jack won't see this" blah blah blah, excusing your own fault nonsense


Yeah Patreon recently came out with their own built-in player, but I will stop using it for now since it is causing issues!


You were offended that I told you that you looked too deeply? You’re that easy to set off? That’s your own fault. I’m so emotional? You keep saying that, it just sounds like projection coming from you. What was it you said to me in the other thread? I think you called me a random and told me to get over myself. Care to address that? Sounds pretty emotional to me. “What you introduced” You didn’t invent quoting people 😭 You don’t even care if Jack saw my comment, you just want to label me a hypocrite in some desperate attempt to distract from your embarrassment of an argument. For the record I already tried to delete that sentence that is slightly spoilery right after you pointed it out , but the Patreon app is finicky and didn’t seem to save the change. I’ll admit that it was a mistake. And? Everything I’ve said is still true. Looks like one of us can admit they made a mistake, and it’s not you. Shocker.


Hahahaha you have so many tactics. I never said I was offended by it, but I can't stop you from equating it that way. From my perspective I gave you the same energy, so if that's how you equate it then you were the one being offensive first sooooooo, that means you were the one heightened emotionally first lmao 🤣


And to address it, yes, you're still a random to me, as I am to you. Getting over oneself is something one has to do internally. So if it struck a chord, while bringing it up two days later, it shows how out of control your emotions are internally. More specifically, it shows that something said two days ago still bothers you. Quite emotionally charged of you, overcharged even


Funny how that was my initial response to you, you hopped over to this comment thread afterwards, then back to the other, finally here, and now you're bringing something up from there. I most certainly riled you up and you've been on an emotional tirade ever since. Have you figured out how this is gonna go yet? Like I said there, it's only a loss once I consider it one, and none of your tactics make me feel as if I lost. To be more specific, I'm having a good time not losing with this while you keep trying to win


You seem to take a weird amount of satisfaction in trying to “rile” people up, are you ok? Socializing doesn’t seem to be your strong suit. I may not like you, I may think you’re unintelligent, and I may think you are delusional, but none of those things bother me. The internet is full of your kind, it’s to be expected. I understand though, you’re lashing out like a kid would because you couldn’t win with logic. Convincing yourself that I was “bothered” for 2 days, when in reality all I remembered was you said something childish. Then I checked to see what you actually said to show that you’re the emotional one (which you couldn’t refute). It seems you make unproven theories in real life too, huh? Pretty predictable. You are so far detached from reality. You aren’t “winning”. You made a fool of yourself in both threads, everyone that responded to you thinks you’re a clown🤡. I bet Jack does as well. I mean, Jack asks people to not talk about future episodes all the time. You’re either new to his channel, or really really dumb. I’m guessing the later. I won’t be commenting again, don’t worry. Get your last word in, I know your fragile pride demands it


The thing you're assuming incorrectly is that I don't try to rile people up. I operate the way I operate and some times that ends up riling people up. So I return this to you, why do you allow yourself to get riled up? And why do you continue in your riled up state instead of offsetting that emotionality elsewhere? You can make all the excuses you want. But you're still here fruitlessly making points against me, and I'm refutting them to the best of my ability. Kinda hard when you send three to four disjointed points my way per comment. I chuckle all the while as a conscious reaction because your inability to see how hypocritical and common your tactics are is laughably astounding