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One Piece 247-248 PATREON Reaction!

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Sidari Yumanara

Usopps breakdown and the whole klabautermann story always gets me 😭 But I'm happy for you that you finally got a resolve to that story :) *the Klabautermann is a german tale/superstition btw :D it's like a sort of water spirit or goblin who assists sailors or rescues them, but some also think he was a sign of bad luck and that he liked to play pranks on the sailors


The Keel is the piece of wood that runs along the bottom of the ship


Now you understand why merry sometimes has emotions and facial expressions. For example when merry's eyes popped out like the rest of the crew when they fell off of skypiea and when merry was crying while covered in water during the ussop vs luffy fight.

boss netoy

Your long awaited answer.. there u go 😆

Hardens Burner

Early petition to watch the timeskip on One Pace


Tom my GOAT 🙏

Tristoon Cartoons

You also gotta remember Usopp grew up with his mom sick and basically on her death bed too. So seeing another loved one like that is definitely going to be rough on him.

Nicholas Spillett

You keep hearing "raccoon dog" because they are calling Chopper and others "Tanuki", which is literally a Racoon Dog, or dog breed only in Japan with a history of being considered "mystical"/"magical" Google it to see what one looks like - when you watched Naruto, Shukaku of the sand is a giant Tanuki, with him being a regular one in Boruto when they put him in the Teapot. Tanukis have 8 special traits: 1. Large eyes to survey their world and make decisions 2. Big fluffy tails to give them strength and agility 3. Large scrotums (I'm not kidding) representing wealth 4. Large stomach symbolizes tranquility and decisivenes. 5. Wide-brimmed hat to protect from bad luck/weather 6. Bottle of sake (symbolic of virtue) in one hand 7. Promissory note (symbolic of trust) in the other 8. A Playful, friendly smile, inviting humans to join them in their games. They are illusionists, shapeshifters (anything from humans to inanimate objects). The site I'm referencing doesn't say it, but from memory they can curse or teleport people too. I think choppers usual small appearance and hat does fit the bill, but none of the rest.


I will die on the hill that G8 is a useless, overrated waste of time arc, hell, the flag thief filler arc after Enies Lobby is more enjoyable than it, but still a waste of time.

Gus N

What Tom says "do it resolutely" in Japanese is "Do it with a Don!" which is kinda like the onomatopoeia for a drum beat. In the manga, "DON" is the most common sound effect that Oda uses. So for readers, what Tom is saying ties together all of these panels that are done "with a Don!".

Eric Miller

Chopper is also a shapeshifter, which is also part of the reason. A fun fact, Mario in SMB3 also has a tanuki suit (spelled Tanooki) as a powerup, and allows him to fly and turn into a stone statue.


do it with gusto is what he says in the English dub i kinda like it.


One Piece is VERY cozy, especially early One Piece imo And nah, there is at least one more filler that I INSIST you watch but it's hundreds of episodes away Merry's fairy spirit 😭 too precious

Gus N

Same meaning yeah, the nuance of it being the same as the sound effect throughout the series can't really be adapted into the anime so the dub translation is probably as good as it will get there. Unfortunately they messed up even more in the official English manga translation where they made the sound effect in panels "DOOM" and Tom doesn't say "Do it with a Doom!" so the double meaning is completely lost.


Not the one I had in mind, but that is a good filler! If Jack does a poll I would definitely vote for a reaction to it The filler I'm referring to is the Cidre Guild Arc, for obvious reasons 😏

Near River

I can't understand.. why I bought patreon... It's without sound of the show... And not full screen... I'm disappointed... Jack ..


It’s a watch along, you need another screen so you can *watch along* with his reaction- I just use my phone and my laptop, works well enough :D