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Hey Patreon peeps - wanted to update you guys just in case you hadn't seen the YouTube community tab post. I received 6 copyright strikes over on YouTube, meaning I will not be able to upload over there for several weeks. That being said, I will not stop posting content here in the meantime. I will most likely slow down to 4 or so uploads a week on here just so that we don't get too far ahead of YouTube, but I should be posting the next video on Sunday. Very sorry for this inconvenience, and I am hoping to get it resolved soon.





damn they on top of things in the new year I guess

Kayla Jimenez

sounds like a plan! hope everything gets resolved soon <3


I swear youtube hates you


Hoping it all gets resolved quickly for you Jack. No more copyright stress would be great 🙏🏻


Hope everything works out bro. We’re here for you

Justin Moore

God they're so annoying..


Ahh what a horrible situation :( Hope everything gets resolved and sending good vibes :)

Jessica Benjamin

I can see making a fuss for those people who are actually posting illegal stuff but you are actually doing all you can to respect the rules it’s unfair that you are a target because of people who don’t care to do things by the book.


6?! Wow


All good man do whatever you need, we'll be here for you all the same


Sorry to hear about that mate, copyright crap is so annoying. I'm glad that I'm on Patreon and we don't have as many restrictions on here




hey jack i think you should look into what blindwave does with their anime reactions and make your own website and post your reactions there and then a ten minute discussion over on youtube. I know this helps them a lot with copyright also if you do this you could start a clips channel so you can post short clips from your reactions or maybe you can just post reactions on here with a discussion on youtube. hunterxhunter and boruto are some that are targeted way more so maybe you can just do this method for those two series. you could also try maybe pausing halfway through a reaction to give thoughts on the episode halfway through. i know that would make the videos longer but we are all fans here I'm sure we'd all love slightly longer vids. anyway sorry for this long comment I'm just a fan hoping to help you out and support you anyway I can. I hope you get this comment and resolve this somehow.


idk why you get copyright cause you are not showing anything ..other reactor show more than you and they are ok


Pleaseeee add DBZ Abridged to patreon in the mean time.

Michael Vasilopoulos

Im sorry YOU have been inconvenienced. YouTube deserves a lawsuit for their failure to adhere to fair use and by allowing companies to steal creators’ work on their platform.

Anime Alumni

No One Piece is sad :(