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Oh my goodness this episode...


The Boruto Patreon reactions act as a watch-along being uncut with a timer on screen! This way, you can watch my full reaction by syncing up the show on an official platform on another device, another tab on your computer, etc.

Crunchyroll:  https://www.crunchyroll.com/boruto-naruto-next-generations

Hulu:  https://www.hulu.com/series/boruto-naruto-next-generations-e567be4f-2fd8-4127-bc08-580baad908e3

Viz:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/boruto



Patreon exclusive - be sure to drop a comment on the Patreon post with your thoughts on the episode!



Been waiting for you to see this lmaoo

Jessica Benjamin

I love this episode lol I feel like the dubbed version is real cringy and awkward but so funny poor sasuke


I think both versions work well. It plays up the awkwardness more in a good day imo


I would love a OVA of Sasuke reading Make Out Tactics

Jessica Benjamin

I love how Temari made then eat the dinner she prepared she could care less that they entered the eating contest lol


Here's my question: why would you want to apply "*make out* tactics" with your daughter? Shouldn't you aim for different goals? Also, Sarada calling Sasuke annoying is a good vengeance on him for Sakura since he said it to her. Now if they will only avenge him for our pain by flashbacking to it 20 times, it'll be perfect.


No those aren't the sub voices from Naruto. Both young Sasuke's and Itachi's are different in that flashback. Itachi even used to have his adult voice in this scene.


I think in the gaiden when Sasuke said "parasite" he was referring to if any boys were flirting with her or something like that lol just father things~


I love how that one flashback of Sasuke watching Itachi train is that important of a memory to him that it shows up in Naruto, Shippuden AND Boruto. XD A classic scene indeed. It's inteesting that Sasuke and Itachi were given different voice actors for it this time around, but it makes sense. And seeing him trying to spend time with his daughter but sort of struggling of the concept of what that entails exactly is it's very own type of wholesome, heh. Actually, even seeing him grumpy or unsure or smiling is a nice thing. We haven't really seen him have these sort of relaxed, normal expressions in a long time; in Shippuden he was so filled with anger and pain most of the time and in Boruto he often shows a lot of emotional control. In this one, especially while he was getting annoyed with Kakashi, it really felt like we got the Sasuke back that we lost all that time ago back in Naruto. In any case, these last three episodes have been wonderfully wholesome and I'm glad that the show took time for this. =D


The people running along the river in the background at the 12:30 bridge scene was Naruto with Hima on his back from around the end of their day in episode 93. You can also see Sakura ahead of them in the stillframe just before the end credits of episode 93, on her way to the bridge where she meets Sasuke.