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And we're back! Today's episode is a bit scuffed as it was not recorded at my usual setup, but I didn't want to take too much time off so apologies in advance for the any technical issues!! Boruto and Sarada head off for Orochimaru's lair to find out more about their Mitsuki situation!


The Boruto Patreon reactions act as a watch-along being uncut with a timer on screen! This way, you can watch my full reaction by syncing up the show on an official platform on another device, another tab on your computer, etc.

Crunchyroll:  https://www.crunchyroll.com/boruto-naruto-next-generations

Hulu:  https://www.hulu.com/series/boruto-naruto-next-generations-e567be4f-2fd8-4127-bc08-580baad908e3

Viz:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/boruto



Patreon exclusive - be sure to drop a comment on the Patreon post with your thoughts on the episode!



We’re back in business!


Hope you’re safe man!

Jessica Benjamin

As far as the white snake sage, Kabuto did mention the cave with the sage in shippuden, Kabuto was able to train there where orochimaru coulnt. It was one of the episodes where Kabuto is fighting Sasuke and Itachi, he was explaining his power and how he got it


Crossing my fingers that you and your family will stay safe in this weather, since your part of the world isn't really set up to deal with it as well as thsoe who are used to snow. Your well being is way more important than any wait time on our part! As for the episode, Ryūchi Cave has been mentioned in Naruto Shippuden once; it's the place where Kabuto went to to train under the snake sage. I've also always found Borutos reactions in this Episode very telling. He has allready realized in the last one, that he really doesn't know all about Mitsuki, like he thought he did, but then in this one he REALLY had the rug pulled out under him in terms of just how much he didn't know. And it hit him. Hard. Mitsuki has been constantly arround him since he came to the village and has always supported Boruto, always expressed his admiration and willingness to go along with what Boruto thought was the right thing to do. And Borutos whole thing throughout the series is to be there for his friends and to understand them. So the realisation that one of the people he's closest to; his friend and team mate really did not tell him anything substational about himself truly must feel like he failed his friend somehow. His "Why didn't Mitsuki let me know so I'd understand?" is heartbreaking in a way. - And yet, despite how harsh of a wake up call this was, Boruto still manages to pull himself together and continue with his resolve to find and confront his mising friend. He didn't let any guilt or self doubt he might feel stop him. In that sense, he really does fulfill his role as Mitsukis sun. Despite all the darkness and everything that he has learned and everything he doesn't know, he is still willing to stick by his friend and vows to be a better one. He has not lost his light. Even if he has taken Mitsuki for granted and knows barely anyhting about him, he wants to do right by him - and is that friend that Mitsuki needs. Someone who doesn't give up on him, when Mitsuki is even replacable to his own parent and creator. Boruto might still be a brat now and then, but he is also a good friend. You have to respect him for that.


Orochimaru:"You must listen to the snakes thoughts" Boruto:"Okay. Anyone here speak parcel tongue?"