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Hey guys! It has been an exhausting past 24 hours but I finally have all my stuff moved to my new house! I am going to be spending the whole day unpacking/getting the setup ready, and then hopefully we will be back to regular videos as scheduled! For now, enjoy this exclusive house tour (you guys are the very first to see it all!) and pls don’t judge for how dirty it is rn LOL

Have a wonderful Monday! ❤️ -Jack


Patreon Exclusive Pre-Setup Pre-House Tour!

This is "Patreon Exclusive Pre-Setup Pre-House Tour!" by Jack on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Also please excuse my hair LMAO it is lookin ROUGH

Brad J

Fix you’re bed

Snubblesnow .

Congrats on the successful move


I love it, it’s beautiful. Congrats jack

Nyan Krunex

The PRE ExclusivE Setup, have fun unpacking everything 😂


hey Jack, 3 packages delivered on the 28th did you get it? It shows that it is delivered. NEXT package will be arrived between sept.17-oct.18. And finally, would you react to “the creation of the Akatsuki”?!


Congratulations man!

Kevin Kovacs

Jack, how long have you been living alone? if I have to guess then like two years now? because I don't follow you on twitch so I'm behind on some "personally" information :D


Yes!! I have not opened it yet, waiting for next P.o. box opening! Thanks for sending more to the box!

Jeremy Rivera

Good job jecko, Proud of you buddy!


Dude that’s awesome!

Daniel Ayala

Guess you’ll need a roommate for that spare room Jack. Alright I’ll be there before the day ends.


how long did you work to be able to pay for this place? Was it just off youtube/twitch, or did you do other work? I’m curious how viable content creation is as an income stream. I’ve got some momentum on an anonymous channel and idk if I should be investing more time in it


Ahhh looks like such a cute small house loving it and my vision for ur gaming room will come true hahahahah


Also, love the house! It’s so nice an cozy :) reminds my of my cousins place and a townhouse/apartment combination thing I used to live in in the suburbs of Philly


I'm super glad you got your own little place Jack! Thanks for showing us around, I now know where you'll be pooping every morning.


aw i have the same kind of kitty, torties are sassy queens. mine's really timid as well.


She IS sassy!! She woke me up at 3 AM meowing just to stare at me waiting for attention!


It’s a little bit of both. While I’ve found success through content creation, I’ve also been working part time since I turned 16 and saved a majority of what I earned aside from necessary expenses.


I love these kinds of video jack. I hope you have an extra hand helping you out aside from Charlie's moral support. Cause that's a lot to unpack and clean up by yourself. Take care.


Patreon Wieners is what were called?


Ahh PB & J, you packed the essentials


This mans really didn't address the mini trampoline in his living room


I was waiting for this comment.


i really like this kinds of video jack. good luck with all work at home


Damn that's great! I love the house actually, congrats!


ya know, i thought it was an apartment you were moving into at first. I didn't know it was a full blown house XD damn. Love that for you. That's awesome XD congrats! I love stuff like this too, like home stuff as well.


I get you moved....but so help me God, if you don't set up those LED lights you normally have in evvverrryyy video....ill cast some bad juju 😂👀😩🤔


Congrats! By the way, I love your cat. She is adorable! Wish she would come out and say hi 😊

Daiza !

Black kitties are the cutestttttttt

David Poe

Tell Charlie I said pssssstppppppsppsptptttttt


You have the same surge protector I have and its on the wall exactly the same lmao