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Hey guys! I put today's FMAB episode on YouTube as unlisted rather than on Vimeo as I know some of you had some problems with how Vimeo worked on mobile. I can continue to do it this way for future episodes if that is what you all prefer, so be sure to let me know down in the comments below! That being said, enjoy today's episode! (I REALLY liked it) :D


All Fullmetal Alchemist reactions are UNCUT with a timer on screen so that you can watch the full episode alongside me! :D Don't forget to drop comments down below on what you thought of the episode afterwards for next episode's discussion!

Crunchyroll:  https://www.crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood 

Netflix:  https://www.netflix.com/watch/70175901 

Hulu:  https://www.hulu.com/series/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood-213ddd1e-0c45-4f84-bb25-ea90ffd6507c 

Funimation:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/ 


One is All, All is One - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood UNCUT TIMER REACTION Episode 12

Patreon Exclusive! Drop comments down below on your thoughts on the episode and I will read them off in the next one! :D



Easter Egg Alert: This isnt actually the first time you see Izumi outside of flashbacks. When Winry gets off the train in episode 9, you can briefly see her walking past Winry. Edit: you can see her right as Winry calls out to Armstrong

Justin Moore

Thank you so much for doing it on YouTube!

Kevin Echeverria

Izumi is definitely one of my top favorite characters of this show.

Noah C

Buckle up Jack, from this point on the show is going into high gear and full throttle down the story highway!


When Ed was talking to Al on the beach and lifted up his finger with the ant on it, am I the only one who was like, "You're not going to eat it this time right?"


Will you react to “the creation of the akatsuki”?


Idk if anyone has tld you this, but the creator of FMA, Hiromu Arakawa, is a woman, and she has a knack for writing some of animes best characters, but also some very powerful female characters that don't just follow the "fights everything and everyone to prove herself" kind of strong female character. Izumi is a great example. She's one of the most talented alchemists in the series, but beyond that is an emotionally full and aware lady. 10/10 character, easily one of my top 5 characters from the show.

Jonathan Walquist

Yeah I'd love to see you react to ATLA again and the Legend of Korra later. This episode is great, as well. Did you notice that the tattoo on her chest is also a design that Ed represents in his alchemy? It's on Al's shoulder.

Jonathan Walquist

"It's OK to hurt." ... what big words.


Wow I didnt know that but im not surprised. Riza Hawkeye is my favorite female anime character


There was actually quite a bit of their island training cut out from FMAB's adaptation. In the manga and in the original 2003 FMA, Izumi actually sent one of her shop employees to the island in disguise to attack them and train them in combat while also making sure they didn't starve to death.


Apologies for the long post, but since you've seen this episode I like to clear some things up since most reactors are still confused about some of the basic concepts of alchemy at this point. The show doesn't really do a great job at explaining these things in great detail. There are no spoilers ahead since everything I will mention has been said in the show too, so you don't have to worry about that. So as you know, the process of alchemy consists of two phases, deconstruction and reconstruction. In order to transmute you must first deconstruct the material and then reconstruct it into another shape/form. In order to transmute a material (earth, water, fire, steel, etc.), alchemists require the knowledge of the chemical makeup for said material. If they don't know it, they can't transmute that material. If you recall when Scar fought Ed and Al, he went to destroy Ed's arm but there was a rebound. That was because he was expecting to deconstruct flesh. It wasn't until he found out that he had an automail arm that he was able to destroy it because he know knew the material he was working with. Scar stops at the deconstructing phase, that's why he is always destroying things and not actually reconstructing the material he destroys. It also takes years of studying and practice in order to transmute too, so all alchemists are extremely smart and basically scientists with superpowers lol. Next, the law of equivalent exchange is a natural law of alchemy in which the object you reconstruct (or create) must be the same mass and material as the object you use. In other words, you can't create a boulder from a small pebble. Or you can't create legit gold from stone. However as we've seen, the philosopher stone (from that corrupt priest in Lior) allows you to bypass the law of equivalent exchange which significantly amplifies an alchemist's powers. Even if that stone was a lesser version of the real thing, it still amplified Father Cornello's alchemy quite significantly. Now the medium through which alchemists transmute is called a transmutation circle, or the matrix. All alchemists require a matrix in order to perform alchemy because it allows them to draw out the power necessary to transmute. There is a specific transmutation circle for each material known to man, so you can't transmute a material without 1). knowing the chemical makeup of the material and 2). having the specific transmutation circle for said material. That's why you'll see the matrixes drawn onto some of the characters's clothing (Mustang's gloves have the circle for fire, Armstrong's gauntlets for stone/earth, etc.) It allows them to freely draw power and perform alchemy without having to draw the circle each and every time they want to transmute. Speaking of Mustang's gloves, he is able to transmute fire, but he can't create fire from nothing. So they are ignition gloves that create sparks when he snaps. He can transmute a spark into fire since the chemical makeup is the same. The last thing I want to mention is the fact that Ed and Izumi can transmute without a matrix. All alchemists develop these portals or gates within themselves. They are those gray doors that Ed passed through when he tried to bring back his mother (and where he met Truth/God). Any alchemist who attempts human transmutation is summoned in front of the gate as a result of the rebound taken from the transmutation. This is where they meet Truth/God. They are then pulled into the portal and are forcefully shown knowledge of the universe and alchemy. However, there is a toll for the knowledge that they are shown in the form of body parts. Ed lost his leg and Al lost his whole body when trying to bring back their mother. Ed then lost his arm by bonding Al's soul to the armor. And now we saw that Izumi lost most of her internal organs as a toll for trying to bring her baby back. Once you've opened the portal, you are then able to transmute without using a matrix since you have gained that knowledge from the portal. So like Izumi stated, your body now becomes the matrix. That's it! I'm sorry for the long post again, but like I said most reactors struggle with these basic concepts of alchemy since the show doesn't necessarily explain it very well. If you already understood all this, then I just wasted 5 minutes of your life lmao. From here on out the show ramps up with every episode, so I'm looking forward to your reactions!




I finally caught up Jack. I love this series. Thanks for doing it on youtube this episode. I hope you do unlisted youtube for upcoming episodes. Thanks


I like your videos on youtube better, easer to sync too.


You wear Glasses???!!