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I really love the relationships the characters are starting to develop - the world building is ramping up!


All Fullmetal Alchemist reactions are UNCUT with a timer on screen so that you can watch the full episode alongside me! :D Don't forget to drop comments down below on what you thought of the episode afterwards for next episode's discussion!

Crunchyroll:  https://www.crunchyroll.com/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood 

Netflix:  https://www.netflix.com/watch/70175901 

Hulu:  https://www.hulu.com/series/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood-213ddd1e-0c45-4f84-bb25-ea90ffd6507c 

Funimation:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood/ 


Miracle at Rush Valley | Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood UNCUT TIMER REACTION Episode 11

Patreon exclusive uncut timer reaction!



I love the contrast between the last episode and this one. Last episode we experienced sadness and death (RIP Hughes), whereas this episode we experienced happiness and the birth of a life. This is one of the most wholesome episodes of the series.


So i just finished watching FMA last week, that i could watch your reaction to it now. Then i just realized it's FMAB and not FMA youre watching 🤦‍♀️ Well that done, should i watch FMAB on my own first or watch it directly with your reaction ? 🤔🤔


I'd recommend you watch it on your own first so you can fully immerse yourself in it without being distracted by his reaction

Jonathan Walquist

I laughed when you said "if this baby dies, I'm never trusting this show." LOL you really were scarred by the last one!

Jonathan Walquist

And I like how alchemy can't solve everything in this show. They consistently give us examples of things that Edward and Alphonse can't imagine beginning to control, like the miracle of birth.


This is honestly the only episode I would even possibly consider "filler". And not in the sense of it being non-canon, but more in that it doesn't play a huge part in the main story. It still the characters some great moments of development however and more importantly gives the viewer a moment to relax after the last episode.


It kinda gives us a place to leave Winry for a little bit while the boys go do their adventures


i love winry and ed so much :')


This episode reminds me so much of the Great Divide in Avatar in the sense that it’s “Filler” but it’s still good