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Vote NOW for the first ever official iShinobi Patreon-exclusive watchalong series! This poll will be available until July 3rd at 2 PM CST, so be sure to get your votes in!

Important note! "Hunter X Hunter" and "Attack on Titan" were two very highly recommended shows, but those have already been set aside as I already planned on doing them on YouTube/Patreon.

Dattebayo! - iShinobi



do me a favor and vote bleach🖤


Are people really gonna vote full metal 🤕

Daniel Ayala

Fullmetal for sure. It's not too long and not too short. Even the dub is good.


Demon Slayer or Bleach!!!


Full metal, bleach and death note are all great


Demon slayer boo


nvm i just realise he would be watching it in dub🤢 you can keep bleach


Sōsuke Aizen = Dad

Fred João


Daniel Ayala

Demon Slayer is only season in. Come on ppl wtf


Why would you want him to watch brotherhood first that’s makes no sense


Death note !!!


fma overrated just my imo good anime yes but bleach would be better




Death Note, especially cuz the dubs great for it!!


Attack on titan!


Wow konosuba really not on there


Demon slayer dawg

Dominic Caciappo

Phew I had a heart attack not seeing Attack on Titan, now I can vote peacefully knowing you have it set aside, you can't really go wrong with any of these anime, although I am just into into Haikyuu at all.


As much as I’d love bleach I think that’d work better as a replacement for naruto when it’s finished, similar show and personally would prefer to see it as a cut reaction as oppose to a full one with a timer, whereas I think this format would work really nicely with a shorter show like full metal 😊


As for hunter x hunter , will they also be timed or fair use ? @Jack


Watch the original Full Metal it has more feelings to it like OG Naruto , while Brotherhood starts off first episode in the middle of the story and is more about the action and animation. Couldnt get past episode 2.

Matt Teague

If you’re doing dub stay away from bleach and demon slayer. Subs are much superior but the full metal and death note dubs aren’t bad.

Ghost Tendency

Brotherhood does not start off in the middle of the story. Also, the original FMA veers way off course in terms of the story later on. Not saying the original isn't amazing. It is. It's just, Brotherhood does a lot of things better and actually follows the manga.


bleach is the better sword-based anime


eww am i really gonna have to watch fmab again😕

Daniel Ayala

Eww??? I guess to each their own. But I for one am excited 😁😁😁


Too much negativity in here guys, brotherhood is an amazing anime. If stays in the lead and wins I'll be happy. But if it loses to something else you won't find me in the comments bitching about it

Steel Dream

Damn I hoped you'd do death note but fma is probably gonna win


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is my second favorite anime of all time behind Naruto. Absolutely amazing dub too


Demon Slayer Will Rise Again.


FMA Brotherhood is just the best reaction material and it's not insanely long. I hope it wins.


Why isn’t one piece an option


Death Note is long overdue


Demon slayer, u can do this!


Just do the first 65 episodes of bleach


dude he would want to keep going after seeing what happens😂

Adolfo Moreno

Bruh who ain’t vote death not 😒😂🤣🤣


only have watched one of these choices, so by default thats what I chose lol


I would put haikyuu but I don't want people on youtube to miss out on it


WHATTTT!!! I’m shocked at where your followers mind sit with the next best anime. FMAB over Death Note and Demon Slayer is nuts! Wow just wow....


I love demon slayer but FMAB is considered the Greatest anime of all time Its the best show on this list by a lot


Yes full metal!! And it isnt that long so we can start a new series right after!


Probably because of its length, I'm sure after we do fmab HxH aot he might start but that's a massive journey


I'd love if it was bleach but I'm cool with full metal. Maybe when this one is over we can go into bleach

Destiney Marie

I think it would make more sense to watch Demon slayer cause it’s only one season as of now he’ll probably finish it in less then a month.


nobody wants a quick dragonball z


All is good but gotta go with FmaB. It's really good with sub/dub which is very rare. Just don't know if the plot is Jack's cup of tea


Attack on Titan


FMAB has the best dub of all anime imo


lowkey said Attack on Titan isn’t on this cause it’s literally my FAVORITE SHOW EVER. but i recommend demon slayer. it’s short so you would be able to watch another show if you want soon after that.

Chaos T

So I guess my suggestion for Monster didn't make the list haha


It would make sense to watch both of fma and demon slayer, because demon slayer is only 1 season. 24 episodes can be finished in 10-12 days.

Bryan Lopez

I would suggest Death note because it’s a complete contrast from Naruto and from your topical big anime fights.


Why don't you divide the days within the week like Monday Tuesday Wednesday you can do Attack on Titan and Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Naruto, bcoz it's going to take quite some time before you get done with Naruto


demon slayer is waaaay overrated, at least the anime. Can't talk about the manga, i've heard it's really good.

Liam D

Damn looks like i chose a great time to become a patron lol. Naruto will always be my favorite anime, but FMAB might just be the best anime ever. storyline, characters, everything about it is a masterpiece.


Demon slayer 😴😴😴😴😴


Or all of the above......

Brian poggio

Wth man? No Hello Kitty?

Brian poggio

Gotta warn you about Bleach, 80% fillers, even the manga had fillers which means canon has fillers so be aware that although it has some epic moments you will have to cut a lot of the fillers, it also has fillers in the fillers haha so yeah you will have to edit a lot.

Noah C

He isn't exaggerating with the filler. I honestly couldn't continue watching it eventually because it got so bad


Yeah but it's just that. Great visuals doesn't make a good anime

Daniel Ayala

I am so looking forward to FMA B watch a long 😁😁😁


Can I please get your definition of filler? As far as I know it's impossible for manga to have filler.

Brian poggio

You haven't read Bleach have you? 🤣 even hardcore fans complained of fillers in the manga, it is some serious filler ask anyone they will tell you, I am not here to have a discussion of if you agree or not, it is just a fact everyone complained about in the past


i swear naruto fan base is so typical everyone patreon reactor starts the same shows hxh aot death note gets repetitive least imo i have no problem with these shows i dont watch them alot so eh but its sad to not see any diversity from fans as ik jack is just going for what is wanted sad to see most of them are just bland overratted animes with big fights

Daniel Ayala

Aren't you part of the Naruto fan base though? If so then you are part of that generalization you made.


i took no part in this vote i dont enjoy any of the anime listed enough to wanna watch and have naruto eps cut do to that besides maybe death note ether way i have never asked for one of these shows or voted for them to clarify im not saying naruto is better then these shows its not close to my fav its just good imo to watch react wise vs other good shows.


Obviously you don't know what you are sayin here, FmaB, AoT and DN are famous for their plots not "bland big fights". I'm curious what is your not "overrated" anime that you want to watch instead?


i have nothing in paticlur as i said i dont care about the 2nd shows but im just more of slice of life romantic comedey kinda person and they always get out shined by shows such as this when they are just as good if not better


Kyoto, this is super late but you do realize that people would recommend anime close to what they like. A Naruto fan probably isn't going to recommend slice of life, comedy, romance animes. They're going to recommend shonens because that's what they like. Not saying that some Naruto fans don't like other genres, but they are most likely to like other shonens.