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-- OP 723 - 724 --


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Patreon OP 723-724

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Umar Baig

2 episodes to go!!!


"Color of the Supreme King" is one of the alternate translations for Conqueror's haki, they're the same thing. The red and black lighting a new way they start showing / animating conqueror's haki, especially when there is a clash between two users of it.

Umar Baig

Jack you should just think that the "color of supreme king" is conquerers haki and when two conquerers haki users clash, it gives the black and red effect as you saw


Jack, I said this before, please stop saying cummies.

Carter Schunk

In case you haven't figured it out already with how far ahead you are, Conqueror's Haki and "Color of the Supreme King" are actually the exact same thing. At this point, the subtitles seem to switch back and forth on which term they use for some reason, but it's just referring to the same thing.

pink blooky

AHHH im so excited!!! i've already watched one piece but im rewatching it with you <3


Cliffhanger next ep goes hard

Azael Santacruz

About how Law makes "electricity" yes, its because Room, Room its supposed to be based on an Hospital Operation Room, thats why he has habilities like "Gama Knife" based on bisturies and stuff, and the electricity of "Counter Shock" comes from defibrillators 🤓☝️

Jay P.

I'm sure you're way ahead and this has probably been cleared but just in case. Colour of the Supreme king is another name for Conqueror's haki. I believe its a more literal translation from the Japanese name. The black lightning effect was used to demonstrate when two Conqueror haki users clash during Dressrosa and a few subsequent arcs. Think back to Luffy vs Chinjao. The same effect was used when their clash cleared the ring. I believe Diamante even stated what was happening in that same episode. On the same vein, Armament is also known as Colour of Arms. Can't wait to get your next few reactions. This coming week is going to be quite epic.

Waywatcher Fireson

"Haoushoku no Haki" = "Conqueror's Haki" or "Color of the Supreme King." Translators gonna translate inconsistently, largely depending on how Viz decides to treat certain terms.


please!!! i need the next two T_T

John Bouvier

You watch the next 3 episodes all together :)

Jari Nissinen

"color of the supreme king" is just a different translation/way of saying conqueror's haki; color references to the type; Armament, Observation or Conquerors.

Vincent S Deluca

Color of the Supreme King is just Conquerors Haki, its a dif translation of it that the Subs started using (They use it for all haki, Color Arms and Color of Obs too), dont know why they changed it but they are the same thing. They also start using "lightning" to depict it like now and when he clashed with Don Chinjao


Jack: quite reasonably thinking Law can't possibly do anything else. Law: Shot, bleeding, having lost an arm, on the verge of passing out taking out one of the Top Executives with a single manuvre and proving his place as Luffy's equal in their alliance. XD Especially because we know he could have won the clash with Doflamingo. Over the entire arc, we've seen Mingo trying to get under his skin. Repeatedly. In various ways; again and again. And every time Law didn't let it get to him; even when Doflaming was on the ground. Except...for that very last time. Right at the very, very end, Law has been through enough and falls for it; opting for an all out Counter Shock instead of keeping calm and finishing Doflamingo in a more calculated way like taking his heart while he had the chance for example.

Zacky Bimantara



3 episode special next time


bro forgot the other name for conquerors haki lmao

John Bouvier

I really hope you dropping more OP todayyyy


I'll hopefully never have to hear cummies again 😄

Desolate Garden

Oh god the hype for the next 3 episodes is insane! I've been looking forward to this for months!, really masking me feel like im seeing it for the first time again!

ッ Calm

color of the supreme king is the same as conquerors haki

Blackest Hippy

bro really watched doffy's haki have the same affect on people by knocking them out and asked if it's conquerors lmaoooo cmon man


holy shit jack being too dense to understand that color of the supreme king = conquerors haki pissed me of so fucking bad.


I mean, Law could have potentially won in that moment if he stole his heart but only because Doflamingo was going very easy on him, not because he is stronger than Doffy. Also even though he was in bad shape there's no guarantee Doffy couldn't dodge the attack, block it with armament, or get his heart back with a string or something. Some might argue Doffy LET Law hit him with the countershock knowing it wouldn't kill him... and he could lie there and repair the damage from the Gamma Knife while his enemies believed him to be dead. The only reason I could argue he was potentially still able to move is because we see how much damage he tanks from Luffy after that... it was absurd. Also Doflamingo could have killed him more times than I can count up to that point. Luffy had also dealt a lot of damage to him by that point as well. Whenever Law fought Doffy 1 vs 1 he always lost very badly and that was Doflamingo not even using his awakening. So Doflamingo is way stronger than Law and even Luffy at this point, but he is the most foolish out of all of them because he let Law survive so many times and he took a ton of damage from Laws attacks in the last fight because of that which is likely what caused him to lose... I am not trying to downplay Law cause he is a beast and was essential to Doflamingo's defeat.


Oh yeah, in terms of strength Doflamingo still had the edge over both of our captains; it took combined efforts to take him down. The reason I was saying Law could have won is simply because he *could* have. He pokered INSANELY high, like he has done time and time again in the past (hell, he even admited as much during the fight) and his scheming and knowledge of Doflamingo paid off. He could have just as easily died - but he didn't. Strength alone isn't everything. Though unfortunately, Mingo was able to turn the tables by using his own skills in mental games and ultimately found the crack that allowed him to prevent his defeat then and there. Perhaps "Law could have won" isn't the right phrase. "Law could have been the one to end it" might be more apt.

Callum Hurley

Around this episode is when they changed the translation from "Armament Haki" and "Conquerors Haki" to "Color of Arms" and "Color of the Supreme King" respectively.