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-- OP 672 - 673--


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Patreon OP 672-673

Watch "Patreon OP 672-673" on Streamable.



Something you have to know now is that Usopp has forgotten that Robin exists.

Amogelang Semenya

Bro, all you had to do was wait until the next 2 episodes. I'm sure he'll notice because robin turns into a toy then the episode ends!


I'm not really sure what Oda was going for with Usopp's character in this arc, he comes back after the timeskip acting like a big shot but dressrosa is easily his lowest point in the whole series, he is totally spineless and honestly despicable in how many times he tries to abandon the tontatta throughout the arc which makes no sense when you consider his character a whole. I get you need to write low points in order to have pay off but there's no reason for this shift in his character, he doesn't even try to be brave for most the arc and it takes the tontatta literally being at death's door before he takes anything seriously.

E. H.

He's been in over his head since the Tontatta captured them. Every promise to help has been wrapped in lie, told for the sake of escape. A headcanon I've grown fond of: forgetting Robin also led to forgetting Sogeking and all character development associate with him.