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Hello, hello! We’re back baby! You guys ready for more lewds? Cause I sure am!!

First of all, we hope you all had a fantastic holiday season, with plenty of delicious foods and fun games! We got a lot of rest and we are ready to rock and roll so look forward to a lot of updates starting today!

Our first order of business is the Beta build that was supposed to be released last year. We'll be working around the clock to get it done for this Friday, and we are not in the habit of failing deadlines so get ready for some Briwala lewds coming very soon! <3 

Now! Vane wanted to just brush this off but it’s probably better to talk about it. His knee is still busted, it’s better but not even close to healed. Based on what the specialists are saying it might be 2 to 3 months before he is without any pain and then maybe a year before he can go back to walking normally. His office was on the second floor of his house and because he is having a lot of trouble going upstairs he had to move his computer to the first floor. That means he is working in the middle of the house where everyone can see what he is doing. That is not an excuse, of course, he won’t let that delay his work at worst he will have to start sleeping later to work during the late hours of the night when everyone is sleeping, but he will get his deadlines done, don’t you worry about that!

Finally, we’d like to apologize for our sudden end of activities last year, Vane’s injury caught us by surprise and we couldn’t close the year like we wanted to. We’d like to thank all our patrons for your patience and for your continued support, you guys are absolutely the best!

And that wraps it up for this dev blog! We hope that 2021 will be a better year for everyone and that we can finally move away from this whole pandemic thing. But still, please remember to stay safe out there. And that about wraps it up, we’ll see you all next week for another dev blog. Until then,

Big love, the Necro Bunny team!!!



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