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Hello, hello! A bit of a different DevBlog today, because I, Banshee, being the superior writer that I am, decided I’ll be the one writing everything from now on!! Ho ho ho!

(jk, Vane wasn’t feeling too good, so please bear with me this once <3)

Banshee finished a whole bunch of character outfits and sprites this week, including Sylvara’s main outfit, a superhero costume for Jeanne, and two cute and sexy outfits for Eleanor! She also sketched the interface for our much-requested codex, and started working on the ‘Jeanne Training’ interface!

Vane fixed a bunch of typos from the latest build, and started writing a new scene with Khai, where he and Catherine have a nice cup of tea and discuss business, and a little bit more of Khai’s story! He sadly couldn’t make much progress this week because of health issues, and he asked me to include this on the Dev Blog:

“Hi, Vane here. I would like to use this dev blog to apologize as I am way behind with my work. I had a medical problem last week, busted my knee. Between the worry, my inability of getting medical attention because it’s the end of the year and every doctor is busy or on vacation, and the pain at night that doesn’t let me get more than a few moments of sleep, I am in a bit of a bad shape and had a lot of trouble being productive last week.

That said, I’ll do my best to get a doctor to look at it as soon as possible. Researching on my own I am fairly confident that I have an MCL tear, and as far as tears on the knee’s ligaments go this seems to be the least worrying of them, still I have to see a doctor and probably do an MRI scan. Hopefully no surgery though!

Now, for some bad news, we are not going to have a release this week. We planned on stopping for Christmas, especially because Banshee is a Christmas cheer fuelled creature, and insists on spending her holidays cooped up in the kitchen, cooking absurd amounts of food.

We had planned to release the next build early but I am so late with my work that we just won’t be able to. I will try my best to make up this lost time but I don’t think it will be enough...

Also, we planned on taking a few days off close to the end of the year so we can also rest up and come back bigger, better, and stronger. In light of my injury, Banshee suggested that we stop on the 24th and come back tight after the new year, which would give me time to properly rest and go seek the medical attention that I need, so I agreed with her. This is not the note I wanted to end the year on, but 2020 is just being 2020 I suppose. Once again I apologize, I will do my best to make it up to all of you next year.”

Now! Despite all these sad news, I’m still excited about everything we have planned for this new chapter of the game! We spent quite a bit of time this week discussing the new tavern mechanics (which are looking so cool! aah!), as well as the new scenes we’ll be doing next.

Speaking of future scenes, I’ve gathered with my fellow undead spirits, and they tell me that according to the last poll, you’ll be seeing some purple futa dick very soon… (and psst, thank you all so much for voting! <3)

As always, we’d like to thank all of our lovely patrons for their continued support! We honestly can’t find the words to thank you enough for believing in us and in our project, especially in such a crazy year… So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so so so much! <3

And that wraps it up for this dev blog! Please remember to stay safe during the holidays, eat plenty of yummy food, and we’ll see you all next week for another dev blog. Until then,

Big love, the Necro Bunny team!!!




Enjoy the holidays folks, well deserved

Jean Marc OLIVE

Merci mille fois. Joyeux Noël ! Wishing Vane a prompt recovery.


Merry Christmas! And thank you! &lt;3 I'm doing everything in my power to recover as quickly as possible.