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Hello, hello! How are you doing on this lovely Monday, you beautiful people?

Banshee continued working on Sylvara this week! She made two sprites (outfit and naked) and all she needs to do now is finish her expressions. Banshee also made an extra outfit for Jeanne, as well as her expressions, and started planning a fun new interface for our favorite elf sla- uhh... maid!

Vane finished Jeanne’s intro scene, edited it, and added it to the game. He also began working on a few new mechanics involving Jeanne, more about it later in this post!

Now! We talked a lot last week about the things we want to add to the game in Chapter 5 and we think that we finally got it. As always, we’re going to be adding plenty of new scenes totaling 60k words at the bare minimum. As for mechanics, we have two in particular that we want to talk about.

First among them is Jeanne. Not sure how safe it is to talk about what we have in store for her here. But we are thinking of a few training mechanics to allow Catherine to shape her into a useful servant (with plenty of sex, humiliations, and submission along the way).

The second one needs a bit of a spoiler alert:


Ok. Now that we got rid of the people that get offended by spoilers we can talk. Catherine is going to be helping Jacques in running the tavern. Jacques’s old age is catching up to him, he is having trouble running the tavern on his own and since he always planned to give it to Catherine eventually he decided to do it now. For her part, Catherine does not have her debt to worry about anymore, so she doesn't need to be going out and risking her life for a quick payday. A tavern is a great way for her to start settling down! 

"Will this be the end of Catherine’s adventuring?" I hear you ask. Of course not! Catherine is too competent, fate has a way of getting this sort of people into trouble after trouble. You can be sure Catherine will find herself going on more quests than she ever wanted to take part in! But meanwhile, she has a tavern to run!

What will you do with it, I wonder? Will you make it a classy tavern, or have it filled with slutty wenches with barely any clothes on? Will you attract the wealthy nobles to spend their nights drinking fancy wine? Or would you rather fill your tavern with the hard-working people of Batria? It is literally up to you!


As always we would like to thank all of our patrons for your amazing support! You guys are awesome, and we really can’t thank you enough for your generosity! We love you, please have our babies!  Uuh... in a totally platonic and professional way! <3 

And that wraps it up for this dev blog! Remember to stay safe out there, drink plenty of water and as always, we’ll see you all next week for another dev blog. Until then,

Big love, the Necro Bunny team!!!




Mage, warrior, cleric/paladin, rogue and now bard ... who is next druid/ranger?


Hold your horses, we will be reaching the party limit soon.