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Hello, hello! How are you guys on this beautiful Monday? We are just fantastic, and would you look at that? It’s dev blog time!! <3 

Banshee started her week finishing up the last of the action scenes, and then she worked on finally bringing to life Catherine’s first companion, our dear Jacques! If you ask me, I think she made the old man a little too sexy! But hey… I’m okay with that…

Banshee has also begun working on our next CG! Yda is so mysterious, so sexy, so… BLUE! How could Catherine resist?

Vane finished writing the Battle of Batria, he also found out that Battle of Batria abbreviates to BoB… And hey… I really like that! With all the scenes written, Vane then had to work on editing everything and finding those damn typos that always hide from him!! After that, he added everything to the build and got the first alpha build for Chapter 4 done.

Now! The BoB was all story and no lewds (booooo!). But don’t worry, these next 2 weeks are going to be lewd season! We have a lot of sex scenes cooking now, and Catherine is about to get some time off from her adventuring duties. And of course, she is going to be spending this time engaging in the ...sacred elven arts, if you know what I mean. So look forward to the Beta build! It’s coming out in 2 weeks on 02/10!

As always, we would like to thank you all for your continued support! We are super happy to see that our passion project is gathering so many supporters, and we are now getting closer and closer to our second goal (woah!)! So we really can’t thank you all enough for all your love and support! You guys are the absolute best, thank you so very much!! <3 

And that about wraps it up for this dev blog. Remember to stay safe out there, get plenty of sun, and exercise a little bit! And as always, we will see you guys next week for another dev blog. Until then,

Big love, the Necro Bunny team!!! 



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