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Hi there, you beautiful people! We’re here again for another dev blog, this time without any delays!!

Banshee finished the sprite of the most magical owl in existence. Now Weiss is looking as pretty as can be! She also finished shading the scene with Jean so she could remove her seal of shame (which is a shame, I grew quite fond of it!). Finally, our resident ghost finished the last of Catherine’s new outfits and made a bunch of small interface adjustments. (Before exporting them all, which is not complicated, but it’s… pretty tedious and time-consuming. Oof!)

Vane added all the sprites and CG’s that Banshee exported, worked on fixing all typos and problems that were reported from the patron build. And guess what he did next? If you guessed, he tested the game and then tested it again, you win a pumpkin! He also had some free time to adjust a few things on the interface and get started on adding a few mechanics that are going to make their debut in Chapter 4!

Now! We would like to once again, thank all of our patrons from the bottom of our hearts, as well as everyone who has been sending us messages about how much they enjoyed our game. We are both delighted and humbled that our game has been getting so much positive feedback and the support of such amazing people! You guys are beyond awesome! <3 

Finally, we’ve been working on this project for little over a year already, and for the past 9 months we’ve been working almost non-stop. We’ve been working most days, weekends, and holidays included. And the last grind before the public release of Chapter 3 was quite hard for us as we were both feeling quite exhausted. So now that Chapter 3 is done, we will be taking a little bit of time off to rest up. 

Don’t worry though, it's nothing too drastic! We'll take this week off to get back all the lost sleep and destress a bit. We’ll also use this time to think about Chapter 4, how we want to continue the story, and all the new features that we want to add to it!

And that about wraps it up! We’ll be right back with our plans for Chapter 4, and since we have even more patrons now, we also want to do another fetish poll to see what you all want to see more of in the game! 

As always, make sure to keep safe, hydrated, and healthy, because we will see you all next Monday for another dev blog. Until then,

Big love, the Necro Bunny team!




You’ve been working so hard 👍 You deserve some good rest 🤗💖