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been working on some new prints this month for upcoming cons! and i've also been trying some different techniques as well, so they're a little bit slower to work through.

i'll most likely finish both kikuri and zoya in full by the end of the month, along with some doujin pages for preview, too! some nsfw stuff will be rolling in as well.

i've also been trying to stream on twitch again! you can find me here. if you ever want to tune in and hang out, i'll be holding them on wednesday and saturday evenings. and lastly, i've been revamping some stuff for the online shop, and it's set to re-open on 3/29. i'll be posting the link for it when that time comes.

that's it for now, and i'll be sliding more updates in the coming days!


tried some new stuff here and this one kinda slaps tbh i just hope i drew her well enough aaaaa
probably one of the better compositions i've done im so glad it's for this terrible mess of a woman
there's still a lot of details to work out on this one but i'll probably pull it together later
still cooking the book! they're bickering a little and im the transparent bald man observing them



Wow that Yunnie is amazing


thnak you for still feeding us Edeleth freaks in the great year of 2023 lol 💖