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howdy everyone!

hoping everyone had a good year or managed to survive this year (me). this month has been mostly trying to get back on the merch grind and a lot of drawing practice. wanna try to sketch a lot more and post those alongside finished works, because my sketches are pretty okay (and sometimes funny)

didn't get through the december requests i wanted, so i'll be holding off on opening request threads for january! there's a handful of december ones i wanna do, but i still will be active for january, so expect more art for 2023

also if anyone's going to magfest, just name my cats (blathers and nugget) and i'll do the usual $5 off

thanks for sticking around! i wanna draw a lot after my arm stops hurting lmao

OH ALSO if people are interested in possible gwitch or bocchi charms/stickers in the future, let me know!


cant believe they sniped my ASS yes this is a print
bocchi print wip i love this show so much
look at them! its hades 2 and hades 1 (charms)
its straight people rights but smaller (charms)
sketches?? ill include them from now on



yesss bocchi is so good! hype for the print also that bottom right byleth sketch is doing something 🥵


I'd buy that gwitch merch and a print of this one so fast. Need to get into bocchi, a lot of peeps seem to really like it. Ty for another year of awesome art! 🎉