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time for horny october requests! again, i will most likely lean to more spooky season-adjacent requests, but non-spooky requests are welcome! adding a small list of previous nsfw requests i'm currently working on as well


i'm picking out two requests this month! feel free to be specific with your requests as well.

  • up to two characters per request
  • no underage, incest, or hardcore requests (reasonable timeskips are acceptable, i.e. college AUs)
  • the more likes/replies on a request, the more likely I'll draw it

nsfw on deck

  • morag/brighid
  • makoann



wild and angry dragon/werewolf byleth on a leash at the hands of emperor edelgard. but also shes blatantly into it.


If you watched Edgerunners, do you have any crack ships from that you'd like to play with?